
Óðinsgata 2
101, Reykjavík


Parts of Life – what is it to be human?


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Performing: Maija Ikonen & Maria Kananen (FI) Choreography: Disa Krosness (SE) Music: Úlfur Eldjárn (IS) We're delighted to welcome you to the first performance of an inter-nordic collaboration between the Finnish dance group FREEcollective, the Swedish choreographer Disa Krosness and the Icelandic composer Úlfur Eldjárn called "Parts of Life - what is it do be human?" For us humans, emotions are key on how we communicate, a way to empathize – it’s something all of us do, we feel. In this project we’re diving into the separate emotions in us and exploring how they reach out, what they express and how they feel- from a physical point of view. An emotion can appear as a colour, a density, a form, a trajectory. From this perspective we will make the movement start from inside instead of from the outside, from an emotion rather than a form. Maija Ikonen and Maria Karnanen explore the concept of moving from emotions together with the music of Úlfur Eldjárn. House opens at 14:30. Performance starts at 15 Tickets: 2000 ISK /// Dansspunaverkið "Parts of Life - what is it do be human?" er samvinnuverkefni sænska danshöfundarins Disu Krosness, finnsku dansaranna og danshöfundanna Maiju Ikonen og Mariu Kananen úr danshópnum FREEcollective og íslenska tónskáldsins Úlfs Eldjárn. Verkið fléttast í kringum tengsl tilfinninga og hreyfinga - hvers konar hreyfingar tilfinningar geti af sér. Hvað gerist þegar tilfinningin er uppspretta hreyfinganna, ekki formið eða utankomandi áhrif? Þetta er frumflutningur þessa dansspunaverks; Mengi býður listamennina hjartanlega velkomna í hús. Húsið opnar klukkan 14:30. Sýningin hefst klukkan 15:00 Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.

Bedroom Community Showcase


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Iceland Airwaves Music Festival - Off Venue 2015 Bedroom Community presents an evening of music at our favourite space, Mengi. Performing will be our latest signing label Jodie Landau. 'you of all things' is a captivating record which highlights Jodie's haunting vocals and compositions. Joining Jodie will also be Liam Byrne, who is a Bedroom Community collaborator and good friend. His viola de gamba playing is legendary. He may play Bach... Valgeir Sigurðsson may well jump in to play with both artists. Who knows? Anything could happen on a Bedcom evening. It will be a continuous one hour set of Bedroom Community magic. Links:

Lady Boy Records Showcase


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At Iceland Airwaves Music Festival 2015 - Off Venue Lady Boy Records & Mengi invite you to experience a four hour collaborative performance featuring some of the artists that have been active building up the label content and presence over the years of its existence. The showcase takes place from 4 pm to 8 pm. Free entrance. Lady Boy Records is an independent label offering music production based on artistic statements instead of marketing efficiency. Over the last years, Lady Boy Records have been active on organizing events and releasing a wide, eclectic range of artists such as Ghostigital, russian.girls Pink Street Boys, KRAKKBOT and many more.. Nicolas Kunysz - 4:30 pm Co founder of Lady Boy Records and founder of Lowercase Nights, member of Pyrodulia, his music could be defined as warm ambient drone; He combines lo and hi fi techniques to create his soundscapes, accidental recordings and glitches participate to the multi layering process of making his tracks. Nostalgia plays a big part in his compositions, textures generated by both instruments and field recordings build up a sensitive sound architecture that keep on building up and collapsing. O|S|E - 5:30 pm Electronic music artist O|S|E AKA Sindri Geirsson close relative of the Lady Boy Records family; Known for his underground experimental beats and odd samples variating from "post gabber" to 8 bit and drony soundscape. O|S|E is a dark ambient / experimental musician with a classical music education that has been distorted a long while ago to let place for a new kind of sounds. russian.girls - 6:30 pm russian.girls is the brainchild of Guðlaugur Halldór Einarsson who is one of the members of Captain Fufanu. His material is a lot more esoteric and could be described as a mixture of sauerLounge, psychedelic and experimental music. Harry Knuckles - 7:30 pm Co founder of Lady Boy Records, Harry knuckles has the ability to create interesting harsh-noise and make it dance. Unlike most other musicians within the genre he makes thumping patterns and sequences out of the noises almost as if he's DJ-ing. Rather then just dwell on the sounds themselves he takes them further. --

Möller Records & Raftónar Showcase


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Möller Records & Raftónar Showcase Iceland Airwaves Music Festival - Off Venue. 15:30-16:00 - Frank Murder 16:10-16:40 - Buspin Jieber 16:50-17:20 - EinarIndra 17:30-18:00 - Terrordisco 18:10-18:40 - Gunnar Jónsson Collider 18:50-19:20 - skurken 19:30-20:00 - Tanya Pollock Two Icelandc electronic record label titans join hand in hand in offering sneak peek at the grandeur of the current Icelandic electronica scene. Frank Murder: A true veteran of the Icelandic Electronica scene. Recently he has been taking steps into modifying his setup into a modular monster mayhem - where things can go so terribly wrong or so terribly right. Which will it be? You'll be the judge. Buspin Jieber: After his two successful EPs on Raftónar, we are all waiting anxiously for his upcoming debut LP. This is for the true fans of 80's style synthpop and chillwave. EinarIndra: Formerly a troubadour, but recently embraced his electronic roots, love of synths and working on laptops creating organic electronic soulful music. His debut EP "You Sound Asleep" was released on Möller last year - and a new EP will hit the store before you know it. Terrordisco: One of the towers of the Icelandic house dj scene. For the first time, he'll be performing his own material - so this is something you might not want to miss. Gunnar Jonsson Collider: He is a multi-instrumentalist from Reykjavík, Iceland experimenting with electronic, pop and ambient elements. He has released three EPs under the Gunnar Jónsson Collider moniker, Disillusion Demos (2013), Binary Babies (2013) and Apeshedder (2015). Skurken: A veteran of the music scene. His album, "Nónfjall" was recently released on Raftónar. The album is a great 10-track tour of light and dark, melancholy and smiles, and ranging from 8-bit weirdness over atmospheric funk to quiet contemplation. Tanya Pollock: Unstoppable force on nature on the stage. Expect everything and anything. A powerful ending to an already powerful lineup for the day. /// Tveir turnar í íslenskri raftónlistarútgáfu taka höndum saman og bjóða upp á ljúffenga raftónlistarveislu. Frank Murder: Hann hefur verið lengi að og áhugamenn um raftónlist sperra ávallt eyrun þegar nafn hans berst að góma. Hann hefur verið að gefa út t.a.m. Cactus Island (UK), Touched (UK) og hinu alíslenska Uni:Form sáluga. Undanfarin misseri hefur hann verið að stunda tilraunir með "modular" hljóðgervla og von er á hljóðrænni, sem og sjónrænni, veislu frá honum. Buspin Jieber: Hliðarsjálf Guðmundar Inga Guðmundssonar hefur komið eins og sprengikraftur í íslenska raftónlistarlífið. Hann á að baki tvær afar vel heppnaðar stuttskífur, sem komu út á Raftónum, og von er á breiðskífu snemma á næsta ári. Algjörlega ómissandi fyrir áhangendur 80's hljóðgervlapopps með draumkenndu ívafi. EinarIndra: Draumkennt rafpopp er hans fag, en stuttskífan "You Sound Asleep", sem kom út á vegum Möller, vakti mikla athygli. Einar mun flytja efni af væntanlegri stuttskífu, en tónleikaflutningur hans þykir afar lifandi og tilfinningaríkur. Terrordisco: Margir þekkja Terrordisco sem stjörnuplötusnúð og sem meistara í endurhljóðblöndunum - en hér gefst áhugasömum tækifæri á að hlýða í fyrsta skipið á hans eigin tónsmíðar. Gunnar Jónsson Collider: Strákur sem kom sem stormsveipur í íslenskt raftónlistarlíf með stuttskífunni "Apeshedder", sem kom út fyrr á árinu. Skurken: Listamaður, sem nýverið gaf út sína fjórðu breiðskífu og ber hún nafnið "Nónfjall". Breiðskífan, sem er fáanleg í öllum betri búðum, er myndræn, dýnamísk og stemningsfull - og haldbær sönnun þess að hið hreinræktaða heiladansform lifir enn góðu lífi. Tanya Pollock: Hún hefur verið viðloðandi íslensku rafónlistarsenuna í hartnær 15 ár og er óstöðvandi afl á tónleikasviðinu. Kraftmikill endir á krafmiklum degi.

EinarIndra - Airwaves off-venue



EinarIndra started making and performing electronic music more than a decade ago. After crashing his hard drive he took a break from the digital, picking up the guitar and singing. Now he´s again embraced his electronic roots, love of synths and working on laptops mixing it with live instruments resulting in creating organic electronic soulful music.

Skurken - Airwaves off-venue



Skurken is the artist name of Jóhann Ómarsson, an electronic musician based in Reykjavík. Someone compared Skurken’s music to “trippin’ in the Moomin valley” – whatever that means. He could be right, although Skurken tries not to analyze his creations too much. Skurken‘s influences include everything from corny ’80s ballads to late ’90s drill&bass and old computer game themes. And probably elves and nature too. Skurken has been active for several years, has released 4 solo albums, had appearances on several compilations, made sound tracks to short films and more.

Mengi Showcase


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Mengi invites you to this years Iceland Airwaves Music Festival Off Venue Showcase on Saturday, November 7th. 16:00-20:00 Mengi Showcase 16:00 Skúli Sverrisson Sería. Arnljótur Sigurðsson, Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson, Ólafur Björn Ólafsson, Ólöf Arnalds & Skúli Sverrisson. 17:00 Kippi Kaninus. Pétur Ben, Magnús Trygvason Eliassen, Óttar Sæmundssen, Sigtryggur Baldursson, Ingi Garðar Erlendsson & Guðmundur Vignir Karlsson (Kippi Kaninus). 18:00 Mengi collective improv: Áki Ásgeirsson, Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum, Ásthildur Ákadóttir, Sunna Ross 19:00 dj. flugvél og geimskip /// Mengi býður gestum Iceland Airwaves Music Festival velkomna í húsakynni sín á Off Venue tónleika milli 16:00 og 20:00 þann 7. nóvember. Eftirfarandi koma fram: 16:00 Skúli Sverrisson Sería 17:00 Kippi Kaninus 18:00 Mengisspuni: Áki Ásgeirsson, Tinna Þorsteinsdóttir, Páll Ivan frá Eiðum, Ásthildur Ákadóttir, Sunna Ross 19:00 dj. flugvél og geimskip

DJ Flugvél og geimskip - Airwaves off-venue


Dj flugv c3 a9l og geimskip

dj. flugvél og geimskip (Airplane and Spaceship) is a one girl’s project that draws influences from a thousand worlds.Defined as electronic horror-music with a space twist, the music is a mix of playful beats, cool bass, catchy melodies and high pitched vocals. She sings about evil cats taking over the world, alien experiments, demons hiding in shadows and the weird world below the surface of the ocean. Her live performances are lively, colorful and poetic and her music deals with mysteries, dreams and dangers of the night. On stage, dj. flugvél og geimskip is alone in the midst of keyboards and drum machines. Her concerts are like a strange blend of music, horror stories, poetry and theater. The mood is set by story­telling between songs, the use of incense, smoke, lights and a backdrop video. The audience is left feeling like they are in a vivid dream or have travelled to outer space.



Funi with instruments high res

Jazzy band Funi, with Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster, are playing at Mengi!

Funi / Bára Grímsdóttir & Chris Foster


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FUNI sing traditional and new songs from Iceland and England accompanied on langspil, kantele, guitar and Íslensk fiðla. The music will also be accompanied by beautiful photographic projections. FUNI (an old Icelandic word meaning fire) are Bára Grímsdóttir and Chris Foster, consummate performers of the traditional songs of Iceland and England. Iceland’s unique, and varied folk song heritage has, sadly, remained largely unheard by today’s folk and world music audiences. Bára and Chris started working together in 2001, breathing new life into great songs that have been hidden for too long in old recordings, little known books and manuscripts and they have also added new songs to the tradition. In the past, these songs were usually performed unaccompanied. Now, FUNI adds accompaniments using the traditional Icelandic langspil and fiðla, guitar, kantele and hammer dulcimer in a spell binding mix. They have performed and taught at festivals, concerts, summer schools and on radio and TV in Europe, China and the USA, as well as throughout Iceland and Britain. Bára Grímsdóttir is simply one of Iceland’s best traditional singers. She is also widely respected in Iceland as a composer, especially of vocal music. She started life surrounded by the folk songs of her parents and grandparents on the family farm Grímstunga in the north of Iceland. Bára has a special interest in the old rímur and kvæðalög styles of song, but she also sings in other traditional styles, both secular and religious. She has performed with Steindór Andersen, toured in Europe and North America with Sigurður Rúnar Jónssonn and Njáll Sigurðsson and as a member of the group ‘Embla’, of which she was a founding member. In her role as composer and arranger, Bára continues to draw on the well of traditional Icelandic music, while as a performer, she invests the traditional songs that she performs with a natural authority born from having been surrounded by them from birth. Chris Foster grew up in the south west of England, where he first started singing folk songs. A master of his trade, he was recently described as “one of the finest singers and most thoughtful inventive guitar accompanists of English folk songs, meriting legend status.” Over the past 40 years, he has toured throughout the UK, Europe, Canada and the USA and recorded six solo albums as well as working on many collaborative projects. On stage his fine musicianship and powerful singing is underpinned by an urbane wit and engaging enthusiasm, which draws his audiences into the ancient world of storytelling through song. House opens at 8pm. Concert starts at 9pm Tickets: 2000 ISK /// FUNI flytja íslensk og ensk þjóðlög. Þau syngja bæði og leika á gítar, kantele, langspil og íslenska fiðlu. Á meðan á tónlistarflutningi stendur verður myndheimi varpað á veggi Mengis sem tengist tónlist kvöldsins. FUNI er tvíeykið Bára Grímsdóttir og Chris Foster, sem hófu samstarf árið 2001. Síðan hafa þau keppst við að blása lífi í íslenska þjóðlagatónlist sem hefur leynst í gömlum upptökum og lítt þekktum bókum og handritum, auk þess sem þau hafa bætt við nýjum lögum í þjóðlegum stíl. Flest laganna voru sungin án nokkurs undirleiks áður fyrr en FUNI bætir hljóðfæraleiknum við og notar gítar, kantele og hammer dulcimer, auk gömlu íslensku hljóðfæranna, langspils og íslenskrar fiðlu, Þau flytja kvæðalög, tvísöngslög, sálma og enskar ballöður, útsetja allt sjálf og hafa haldið námskeið og komið fram á ýmsum hátíðum og tónleikum, einnig í útvarpi, hér heima og víða í Evrópu, Norður-Ameríku og Kína. Bára Grímsdóttir, söng- og kvæðakona, er einn virtasti flytjandi íslenskra þjóðlaga og nýtur einnig mikillar virðingar sem tónskáld. Hún ólst upp við söng og kveðskap, heyrði og lærði, allt frá barnæsku, kveðskap foreldra sinna og afa og ömmu í Grímstungu í Vatnsdal. Bára hefur lengi fengist við flutning á kvæðalögum og margs konar íslenskri þjóðlagatónlist, bæði veraldlegri og trúarlegri. Hún hefur unnið með ýmsum kvæðamönnum og tónlistarfólki og sem tónskáld og útsetjari hefur Bára iðulega nýtt sér íslensk þjóðlög sem uppsprettu eigin sköpunar. Chris Foster ólst upp í Somerset á Suðvestur-Englandi, þar sem hann kynntist fyrst þjóðlögum og hóf tónlistarferil sinn. Hann er tvímælalaust frábær flytjandi enskrar þjóðlagatónlistar. Síðastliðin 40 ár hefur Chris haldið ótal tónleika á Bretlandseyjum, en einnig farið í tónleikaferðir víðsvegar um Evrópu, Bandaríkin og Kanada. Hann hefur gefið út sex plötur með eigin söng og gítarundirleik en einnig tekið þátt í mörgum samstarfsverkefnum. Lifandi tónlistarflutningur Chris einkennist af kraftmiklum söng og góðum gítarleik, sem styrkist enn frekar af fágaðri fyndni hans og eldmóði. Með þessu tekst honum að draga áheyrendur sína inn í sagnaheiminn sem hann skapar með söngvunum. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 kr. ///

Ljunggren/Rosenbaum/de Waal trio - World Premiere at Mengi


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Three Danish/Swedish high profile composers/musicians with prolific careers in Scandinavia and internationally are coming to Mengi to do their first trio concert ever. Performing improvisations and brand new compositions inspired by electronic music, jazz, folk, minimalist and krautrock, the trio is playing comprehensive and open-minded music. Their respective resumes includes several Danish Music Awards (Danish Grammy) and collaborations with Daniel Lanois, Wayne Horvitz, Hanggai, Robyn, Nils Frahm, Swedish avant-garde pioneer Sven-Åke Johansson and others. Emil de Waal: drums, electronics, laptop, percussion Gustaf Ljunggren: strings and reeds August Rosenbaum: keys House opens at 20. Concert starts at 21. Tickets: 2000 ISK. /// Þrír skandinavískir djass- og spunatónlistarmenn í fremstu röð, þúsundþjalasmiðirnir Emil de Waal, August Rosenbaum og Gustaf Ljunggren eiga stefnumót í Mengi föstudagskvöldið 13. nóvember en um er að ræða fyrstu tónleika þeirra sem tríós. Hljóðheimurinn safaríkur og þéttur þar sem við sögu koma rafhljóð, strengir, margvísleg tréblásturshljóðfæri, hljómborð og slagverk; tónlistin frjáls spuni í bland við glænýjar tónsmíðar og áhrifin sótt i raftónlist, gamlan djass, þjóðlagatónlist úr ýmsum áttum, mínímalisma, krautrock og meira og fleira. Landamæraleysið sum sé alls ráðandi og allt getur gerst. Við hlökkum til að taka á móti þessum herramönnum í Mengi. Húsið opnar klukkan 20:00. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21:00 Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.

Hljómsveitin Hráefni


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The band Hráefni (Raw Material) performs for the first time at Mengi, Saturday, November 14th with their own music, influenced by sounds that have inspired the bands’ members for years and decades, e.g. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Animals, blues, punk, funk… The sound world of Hráefni is raw (hence its’ name); guitars, double bass, percussion and voice; their performance is improvised but within the limits of the song writing. Hráefni was founded several years ago, then as Síðasti bærinn í dalnum (The Last Farm in the Valley), after a hiatus for several years they got together again and recently found the name the fitted their raw and earthy music quite well. Along with Hráefni, there will be a special guest of honour, the guitarist Bergþór Morthens. We really look forward to welcoming the band to Mengi. Hráefni is: Valdimar Örn Flygenring: Guitar / voice Snorri Björn Arnarsson: Guitar Þorleifur Guðjónsson: Double bass Þórdís Claessen: Drums House opens at 8pm. Concert starts at 9pm Tickets: 2000 ISK /// Hljómsveitin Hráefni kemur í fyrsta sinn fram í Mengi á tónleikum, laugardaginn 14. nóvember og flytur eigin tónlist. Inn í hana seitla áhrif úr þeirri músík sem hljómsveitarmeðlimir hafa drukkið í sig í gegnum áratugina svo sem The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Animals, blús, pönk, fönk... Hljóðheimurinn tiltölulega hrár, gítarar, kontrabassi, slagverk, söngrödd; lagagrunnar og textar samdir á kassagítar en tónlistarflutningur hljómsveitarinnar byggir mikið til á spuna og flæði, þó innan þess ramma sem lagagrunnar setja lagasmíðunum. Saga hljómsveitarinnar Hráefnis nær nokkur ár aftur í tímann þegar Valdimar Örn Flygenring, Snorri Björn Arnarsson og Þorleifur Guðjónsson hófu samstarf sitt undir hljómsveitarnafninu Síðasti bærinn í dalnum; eftir nokkurn dvala var ákveðið að telja í á ný, Þórdís Claessen bættist í hópinn og nýverið duttu meðlimir niður á það nafn sem þeim fannst henta tónlistinni best, hrátt, kjarnyrt og rótfast Hráefni. Með hljómsveitarmeðlimum í Mengi kemur fram gítarleikarinn Bergþór Morthens sem sérstakur gestur. Við hlökkum til að fá Hráefni í hús. Hráefni eru: Valdimar Örn Flygenring: Gítar og rödd Snorri Björn Arnarsson: Gítar Þorleifur Guðjónsson: Kontrabassi Þórdís Claessen: Trommur Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21 Miðaverð: 2000 kr.

Panos From Komodo / 3moonboys


Panos from komodo

Reykjavík punk duo Panos from Komodo will be wrecking ears with extra- crunchy music that sounds like a deliciously distorted day at the beach. After that, the Polish band 3moonboys combine fleshy guitar and bass, post-punk rhythms, sounds of old synths and keys, and dreamy, melancholic vocals into a mix of music that surpasses classification.

BRUMBA//Panos from Komodo & 3moonboys


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Íslenska hljómsveitin Panos from Komodo og pólska hljómsveitin 3moonboys halda tónleika í menningarhúsinu Mengi, kl.20 sunnudaginn 15.nóvember. Hljómsveitin 3moonboys var stofnuð í Póllandi fyrir 11 árum og hefur gefið út 6 hljómdiska. Meðlimir hennar eru: Radek Drwęcki, Marcin Karnowski, Wojtek Kotwicki, Piotr Michalski, and Miłosz Runge. Þeir taka gjarnan þátt í verkefnum þar sem ólíkar listgreinar mætast og hafa m.a. búið til tónlist fyrir sjónvarpsþætti og kvikmyndir í heimalandi sínu. Pönkrokk hljómsveitina Panos From Komodo skipa þeir Birgi Sigurjón Birgisson og Hjalti Freyr Ragnarsson. Hljómsveitin var stofnuð í frímínútum þegar báðir voru í hönnunarnámi. Síðan þá hafa þeir spilað á listasöfnum, í galleríum og á götutónleikum. Tónlist þeirra er blanda af gjörningum, pönki og shoegazing. Á tónleikunum í Mengi flytja hljómsveitirnar nýútkomið efni sem þær bræddu saman á vinnustofu í Bydgoszcz í Póllandi síðastliðið sumar. Afrakstur samstarfsins er „Lína nr.8“, nýútkominn diskur sem lýsir ferðalagi með sporvagni frá stoppistöð til stoppistöðvar. Tilurð samstarfsins má rekja til verkefnisins “Brumba” sem teygir anga sína frá Póllandi til Noregs og til Íslands. Innan verkefnisins er unnið með orðið Liberature / Frjálsmenntir. Liberature (Lat. liber: Bók, frelsi) varð til í Póllandi 1999 þegar Zenon Fajfer birti stefnuyfirlýsingu sína í ritgerð sem bar titilinn Liberature / Frjálsmenntir. Frjálsar úr ramma hefðbundinna verka geta frjálsmenntaverk sagt sögu með orðum, stafagerð, rými, efni, formi, strúktúr verksins, litum, stærð bókstafa — og með teikningum, ljósmyndum og hverjum þeim þætti sem skapar bókhlutann. Hugmyndin að Brumba-verkefninu á upptök sín í takmarkaðri þekkingu á frjálsmenntum. Ósk þeirra sem að verkefninu koma er að skipulagðir viðburðir á vegum Brumba-verkefnisins leiði til betri skilnings á frjálsmenntum í Póllandi og á Norðurlöndum. Útgáfan fæst gefins á staðnum og frítt er inn. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 20. /// Welcome to a collaboration between two bands from Poland and Iceland: 3moonboys from Poland and Panos From Komodo from Iceland. The project is entitled Line no. 8 and describes life as travel by tram from a terminus to a terminus. “If you kick an eight in the head strong enough, it will fall over and the route will then become infinitely long. We imagined a passenger who gets on a tram with headphones on his ears and a book in his hand. He takes a sit by the window, opens his book on the bookmarked page and turns on the music. The travel is accompanied by words and music. Probably the book feels at some point that it is being read. Probably the passenger has just realised that he is being made up,” says Marcin Karnowski, a writer and a musician, a member of the 3moonboys band and an author of the idea of Line no. 8. The history told by 3moonboys and Panos From Komodo consists of: words, sounds, music and a physical dimension of the work. The mixing of disciplines is accompanied by the meeting of different types of sensitivity: Polish (3moonboys) and Icelandic (Panos From Komodo). The musical part complements the epic and lyrical part, both of which are accompanied by the materiality of something that can tentatively be called a cover. The bands have taken the reader for a tram ride. The route offers many surprises for the reader, the keys to which are: a disc placed in the centre of a tin box, a story that is a fragment and the whole at the same time, as well as the visual and tactile features of the work. The author of the idea and lyrics is Marcin Karnowski. The music session took place in Poland between 20 and 28 June 2015. The tracks were recorded in Bydgoszcz — on the attic of the Provincial and Municipal Public Library and the line no. 8 tram. The record will be promoted at joint concerts of 3moonboys and Panos From Komodo in Oslo (10.10), Reykjavík (14.11), Bydgoszcz (27.11), Cracow (18.11), Warsaw (29.11), during which Line no. 8 will be available. /// About the artists: 3MOONBOYS. The band was founded 11 years ago. They performed many times in the country and abroad (Poland, Germany and Slovakia) during music and non-music festivals (Open'er, Off, Planet + Doc, Ha!wangarda, Tofifest, Animocje, SpaceFest, Slot Art Festival, Focus Festival, Festiwal Włóczykij, and other). The band engages in various activities related to the contact of different art forms. That is why they have participated in such events as the launch of the Centre of Contemporary Art in Toruń, live soundtrack to films representing German expressionism or contemporary short animation films at the animated movies festival Animocje. In 2009 the band released an album (16) which was a musical response to the phenomenon of liberature. It was dubbed a liberock album.Discography: 3moonboys (2004), Only Music Can Save Us (2006), This is not 3moonboys (2006), 16 (2009), Skakankan (2012), Na tym zdjęciu wcale nie wyglądasz grubo (You doesn't look fat at all in this picture) (2014). The album Line no. 8 (2015) was created in collaboration with the Icelandic band Panos From Komodo and forms a part of the international project Brumba — unity of words and a writing space. A series of liberature publications. 3moonboys band includes: Radek Drwęcki, Marcin Karnowski, Wojtek Kotwicki, Piotr Michalski, and Miłosz Runge. Panos From Komodo is a two-man punk rock band from Reykjavík. It is composed of Birgir Sigurjón Birgisson and Hjalti Freyr Ragnarsson. They came up with the idea of creating a band during a lunch break in the school of design. They soon started giving concerts in galleries and outdoors, mixing punk with shoegazing and performance. Concert starts at 20:00. Free entrance.




Kvikyndi, the one and only band composed of Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson, Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir, Hilmar Jensson, AND Grímur Helgason will be playing at Mengi! Combining classical music with guiters and old footage, this is sure to be a memorable show.

Kvikyndi / Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson, Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir, Hilmar Jensson & Grímur Helgason


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Violinist Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir and trumpeter Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson explore different combinations of live music and video works. The subjects include Bach, improvised music, found footage, old music videos with new music, and premieres of new video works by Helga Björg Gylfadóttir, Rakel Jónsdóttir and Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir. Joining the performance are excellent guitarist Hilmar Jensson and fearless clarinetist Grímur Helgason. House opens at 8pm. Concert starts at 9pm. Tickets: 2000 ISK. /// Guðbjörg Hlín Guðmundsdóttir fiðluleikari og Eiríkur Orri Ólafsson trompetleikari leiða saman hesta sína í nýju verkefni þar sem blandað er saman hreyfimyndum og lifandi tónlist á ýmsan hátt. Viðfangsefnin spanna Bach, impróviseraða tónlist, fundin vídeó, gömul tónlistarmyndbönd með nýrri tónlist og frumflutningur á vídeóverkum eftir Helgu Björgu Gylfadóttur, Rakel Jónsdóttur og Guðbjörgu Hlín Guðmundsdóttur. Meðreiðarsveinar í þessari háskaför eru hinir snarræðu Hilmar Jensson gítarleikari og Grímur Helgason klarinettuleikari. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 kr.

Gyða Valtýsdóttir & Josephine Foster


Gy c3 b0a valt c3 bdsd c3 b3ttir josephine foster.

‘Anachronic’ best describes Josephine’s voice and music, as her roots in both folklore and opera soon mixed with rock & roll and jazz. Now, her genre can mainly be described as art-songwriting. She has collaborated with free-form musicians of many genres and roots, from Keiji Heino to the Masters of Joujouka to America’s own Michael Hurley, Sonny Simmons, Chris Scruggs, the Cherry Blossom, and her husband Spanish and Portuguese guitar maverick Victor Herrero, as well as Iceland’s own treasure Gyda Valtysdottir.

Josephine Foster with Gyða


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Jarry said, anachronism, the crossing of different times, produces eternity. Anachronic has been the most consistent description of Josephine's voice and music as her fundamental folkloric roots in the old west of Colorado mixed with dropped aspirations of operatic career melted in a Chicago cauldron of outskirted rock & roll and jazz, later were set by deep fire of rural Spain, forming a veritable grotesque catalogue of art-songwriting (that decomposed style consisting of human and animal forms with flower and foliage.) From Tangier to Tokyo she has collaborated on record or stage with free-form musicians of all genres & stripes from Keiji Heino to the Masters of Joujouka to America's own Michael Hurley, Sonny Simmons, Chris Scruggs, the Cherry Blossom, and of course her husband Spanish and Portuguese guitar maverick Victor Herrero, as well as Icelands own treasure Gyda Valtysdottir. House opens at 20:00. Concert starts at 21:00 Tickets: 2000 ISK /// Tvær tónlistarkonur, Gyða Valtýsdóttir og Josephine Foster, koma fram í Mengi en þetta er í annað sinn sem þær eiga stefnumót hér við Óðinsgötuna. Í tónlist þeirra beggja renna saman margir tímar og margir heimar enda hafa þær báðar komið víða í tónlistarsköpun sinni og tilraunum. Josephine Foster er frá Colorado í Bandaríkjunum og drakk í sig gömul amerísk þjóðlög, gældi um tíma við að verða óperusöngkona en hóf eigin sólóferil árið 2000 með plötunni There are Eyes Above. Plötur hennar eru nú orðnar þrettán talsins en sú nýjasta, I'm a Dreamer kom út árið 2013. Á meðal ótal samstarfsmanna hennar í gegnum tíðina má nefna Keiji Heino, Michael Hurley, Sonny Simmons, Chris Scruggs, the Cherry Blossom og Victor Herrero svo einhverjir séu nefndir... Gyða Valtýsdóttir hóf tónlistarferil sinn með hljómsveitinni múm - sökkti sér síðar í klassískan sellóleik í námi í Pétursborg og Basel. Á meðal samstarfsmanna hennar má nefna Shahzad Ismaily, Julian Sartorius, Colin Stetson, Ben Frost, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, Efterklang, Dustin O’Halloran, Damien Rice, Ragnar Kjartansson, Hilmar Jensson, Skúla Sverrisson o.fl. Tónlist Josephine Foster verður í lykilhlutverki á þessum tónleikum; húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 krónur.

Leslie Ann Leytham


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We're thrilled to welcome the vocalist Leslie Ann Leytham to Mengi. Here she will perform a set of works for solo voice with videos by Joe Cantrell. The works confront the boundaries of isolations and what it means to be alone, where each piece utilizes technology as a way to accompany, support, mirror or compete with the lone voice, and interrogates how the body exaggerates or diminishes this isolation. Program: - Caroline Miller: Rev. NVP for solo voice and electronics - Paul Hembree: Des Wahnsinns sanfte Flügel for solo voice and electronics - Ian Power: Qui est homo duet for voice and tape recorder - Clinton McCallum: Twinsies duet for two women, joined at the hip and flute, featuring Berglind María Tómasdóttir - Carolyn Chen: And with what body do they come? for voice and eight tape recorders by Carolyn Chen Leslie Ann Leytham is a San Diego-based mezzo-soprano who focuses much of her attention on contemporary narrative vocal works, not only as a singer and actor, but a costume designer, director, writer and a composer of performance art pieces. Her work draws from television, film, and opera, centering on the depiction of women in popular culture (thanks to a very bizarre youth spent living in Las Vegas). Dr. Leytham explores the intersectionality and performativity of gender, sexuality and institutional norms in the genres of pop, experimental, and operatic musical genres. Leslie seeks to consistently extend the theoretical and technical boundaries of the voice and has commissioned and premiered works by Martin Hiendl, Nicholas Deyoe, Clinton McCallum, Carolyn Chen, Marti Epstein, Andy Vores, and is currently preparing a regional premiere of a work by Austrian composer, Beat Furrer. She has performed as a featured artist with CityWater Ensemble at San Francisco’s Center for New Music, The Industry Opera Company in Los Angeles, Ensemble Echoi on the Monday Evening Concert Series in Los Angeles, La Jolla Symphony under the direction of Steven Shick, and as a founding member of Boston’s Guerilla Opera Company. Dr. Leytham earned her Bachelor of Music degree in Voice Performance from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (2005) and a Master of Music degree in Voice Performance from The Boston Conservatory (2007). Leslie earned her Doctorate of Musical Arts degree in Contemporary Music Performance from the University of California, San Diego where she developed her interdisciplinary work under the guidance of the late violinist János Négyesy and video artist, Tara Knight. House opens at 20. Concert starts at 21. Tickets: 2000 ISK /// Líkt og svo margir samtímalistamenn vinnur bandaríska mezzósópransöngkonan Leslie Ann Leytham þvert á margar listgreinar. Rætur hennar liggja í klassískri tónlist, hún lauk BA-gráðu og síðar Mastergráðu í klassískum söng frá háskólanum í Nevada í Las Vegas og frá Konservatoríunni í Boston og nýverið lauk hún doktorsgráðu í flutningi samtímatónlistar frá Kaliforníuháskóla í San Diego þar sem hún er búsett. Hún hefur undanfarið einbeitt sér að flutningi samtímatónlistar þar sem hún leikur sér með mörk tónlistar og leiklistar, samhliða tónlistarflutningi vinnur hún að búningahönnun, skrifum, leikstjórn og tónsmíðum. Í verkum sínum sækir hún jöfnum höndum áhrif í sjónvarp, kvikmyndir og óperu þar sem hún veltir meðal annars fyrir sér hlutverki og birtingarmyndum kvenna í poppmenningu okkar tíma en þann áhuga rekur hún meðal annars til þess að hafa slitið barns- og táningsskónum í hinu sérstæða borgarsamfélagi Las Vegas. Hún hefur unnið með og pantað verk eftir tónskáld á borð við Martin Hiendl, Nicholas Deyoe, Clinton McCallum, Carolyn Chen, Marti Epstein, Andy Vores og Beat Furrer. Sem flytjandi hefur hún komið fram með CityWater Ensemble í Miðstöð nýrrar tónlistar í San Fransisco, The Industry Opera Company í Los Angeles, með Ensemble Echoi í Los Angeles, Sinfóníuhljómsveitinni í La Jolla undir stjórn Steven Schick og með Guerilla Opera Company í Boston en hún er einn af stofnendum þess. Í Mengi flytur Leslie Ann nýja tónlist fyrir einleiksrödd og rafhljóð við vídeóverk eftir Joe Cantrell. Verkin snúast um mörk einangrunar og einsemdar; í hverju verki fyrir sig er tæknin notuð til að styðja við, endurspegla eða keppa við einsöngsröddina og um leið eru viðbrögð líkamans við einangrun og einsemd í brennidepli. Efnisskrá í Mengi: - Caroline Miller: Rev. NVP fyrir einsöngsrödd og rafhljóð - Paul Hembree: Des Wahnsinns sanfte Flügel for einsöngsrödd og rafhljóð - Ian Power: Qui est homo duet fyrir söngrödd og kasettutæki - Clinton McCallum: Twinsies dúett fyrir tvær konur, tengdar í gegnum mjaðmir og flautur, ásamt Berglindi Maríu Tómasdóttur - Carolyn Chen: And with what body do they come? fyrir rödd og og átta kasettutæki eftir Carolyn Chen Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:00. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21:00. Miðaverð: 2000 kr.

Leslie Ann Leytham


Leslie ann laytham

San Diego-based mezzo-soprano Leslie Ann Leytham performs a show at Mengi.

Eysteinn Pétursson / Það er margt í mannheimi


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Rétt fyrir jólin 2011 kom út lágstemmd plata sem hafði verið í bígerð um fimm ára skeið. Lögin hljóðrituð víðs vegar um landið og komu úr ýmsum áttum en áttu það öll sammerkt að hafa fylgt söngvaranum, gitarleikaranum og eðlisfræðingnum Eysteini Péturssyni um langt skeið. Sum laganna eftir hann sjálfan, önnur eftir höfunda á borð við Þórberg Þórðarson og Tom Lehrer og ljóðskáld svo sem Örn Arnarsson, Sigfús Blöndal og Jón Helgason. Um upptökur og útgáfu sá sonur Eysteins, Svavar Pétur Eysteinsson. Platan spurðist fljótt út og hlaut frábærar viðtökur, innlifuð og látlaus túlkun Eysteins hitti hlustendur í hjartastað. Nú tæpum fjórum árum síðar stígur Eysteinn á svið Mengis í nóvemberrökkrinu, mundar gítarinn og flytur nokkur lög úr mannheimum. Það er okkur sönn ánægja að taka á móti honum. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20. Tónleikarnir hefjast klukkan 21. Miðaverð: 2000 krónur "Það er svo nærandi að hlusta á tónlist sem er gerð á hinum einu og réttu forsendum; hinni knýjandi þörf til að skapa. Það gefur óhjákvæmilega eitthvað satt af sér, eitthvað fallegt, eins og þessa plötu hér." (Arnar Eggert Thoroddsen í dómi sínum um plötuna "Það er margt í mannheimi".) /// Eysteinn Pétursson, vocalist, guitarist and physicist will perform songs that can be found on his critically acclaimed debut album, "Það er margt í mannheimi" (e: There are many things in our world) released in 2011, recorded over a period of five years by Eystein's son, Svavar Pétur (Skakkamanage & Prinspóló). It contains 12 songs by Eysteinn and others, some by Tom Lehrer and others by the Icelandic novelist Þórbergur Þórðarsson. The lyrics are satirical, threading a line between life and death, fun and drama, the known and the unknown. We are more than happy to welcome Eysteinn to Mengi. House opens at 20. Concert starts at 21. Tickets: 2000 ISK.

Eysteinn Pétursson


Eysteinn petursson

Vocalist, guitarist and physicist Eysteinn Pétursson performs tracks from his critically acclaimed 2011 debut album ‘Það er margt í mannheimi’ (“There Are Many Things In Our World”). The lyrics are satirical, threading a line between life and death, fun and drama, the known and the unknown.

Kjartan Valdemarsson & DÓH-trio



Pianist Kjartan Valdemarsson is joined by the DÓH trio, which consists of Daníel Helgason, guitar, Óskar Kjartansson, drums, and Helgi Rúnar Heiðarsson, saxophone.