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Lvis Mejía - smog - DEKJ / MMD off venue


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Þrir af listrænum stjórnendum hinnar spennandi oqko útgáfu í Berlín koma fram í Mengi laugardaginn 28. janúar. Tónleikarnir eru hluti af hliðardagskrá Myrkra músíkdaga 2017. 14:00: Lvis Mejía 14:45: smog 15:30: DEKJ Aðgangur ókeypis. oqko útgáfufyrirtækið var stofnað í Berlín árið 2015 af listamönnunum Lvis Meija, DEKJ, Ástvaldi og smog. Á vegum oqko hafa komið út sex titlar; plötur, kasettur, ljósmyndir, vídeó- og prentverk. Oqko-útgáfan hefur gengist fyrir tónleikum og listrænum viðburðum víða í Evrópu sem og í Mexíkó og framundan eru meðal annars uppákomur í Sao Paulo í Brasilíu. .................................................................................. .................................................................................. Artists from the oqko label in Berlin perform at Mengi at MMD off venue on Saturday, January 28th 2017. Performing: 2 pm: Lvis Mejía 2:45 pm: smog 3:30 pm: DEKJ No entrance fee ..................................... About the artists: For Lvis Mejía, art and music have the capacity to transcend their earthly mediums while being deeply intwined in a sense of place and community. As a contemporary artist and electronic producer, his oeuvre takes on multiple forms and expressions. Intermedia art covering the scope of audiovisual performance, electro-acoustic and symphonic music, conceptual art as well as video and film. The affinity for writing comprehends also an essential part of his artistic output. At their core, Mejíaʼs work focus on the recurrent Why behind the mediums, a discourse triggered by the most essential contiguity where thoughts, emotions and aesthetics converge and blossom. .................................... DEKJ functions as an ongoing project studying sound as the primary axis of actual dynamics, behavior and instances. Considering the sonic and vibrational milieu as a representative for balance, transgression, violation, that also affects physical composition and the notion of structured spaces. ..................................... smog is a sound artist focusing on the phenomenon of experimentation. Using electroacoustic methods combined with digital and analogue processing,his approach takes roots in a diversity of styles such as: techno, industrial, percussion based music as well as ambient where ethereal soundscapes navigate between distorted metallic noise and flittering overtones.

No Man´s Land - National Theatre Live

Bío Paradís

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Breska Þjóðleikhúsið færir okkur No Man´s Land með þeim Ian McKellen og Patrick Stewart í aðalhlutverkum en um er að ræða upptöku af lifandi uppfærslu sem færir þér verkið upplifun, líkt og þú sitir á fremsta bekk í bestu mögulegu hljóð- og myndgæðum. Tveir rithöfundar hittast á sumarkvöldi á knæpu einni í Hampstead, en halda svo áfram sumbli í húsi annars þeirra. Samtal þeirra verður sífellt ótrúverðugra og snýst upp í valdaleik sem verður sífellt flóknari eftir heimkomu tveggja illra innrættra ungra manna. Uppfærslan hefur fengið fullt hús stiga í breskum fjölmiðlum, sýning sem þú vilt ekki missa af! Sýningar: 28. janúar kl 20:00 29. janúar kl 20:00 4. febrúar kl 20:00 5. febrúar kl 20:00 English Following their hit run on Broadway, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart return to the West End stage in Harold Pinter’s No Man’s Land, broadcast live to cinemas from Wyndham’s Theatre, London. One summer’s evening, two ageing writers, Hirst and Spooner, meet in a Hampstead pub and continue their drinking into the night at Hirst’s stately house nearby. As the pair become increasingly inebriated, and their stories increasingly unbelievable, the lively conversation soon turns into a revealing power game, further complicated by the return home of two sinister younger men. Also starring Owen Teale and Damien Molony, don’t miss this glorious revival of Pinter’s comic classic. Screenings: January 28th and 29th 2017 at 20:00 February 4th and 5th 2017 at 20:00 ★★★★★ ‘Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart are unmissable.’ Daily Telegraph ★★★★★ ‘A play packed with tension and conflict.’ Evening Standard ★★★★ ‘Two of the greatest actors ever born in one of the greatest plays ever written.’ Time Out