
101, Reykjavík


Myndbandakerfi fjölbýlishúsa #4 - My So Called Life


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Húrra kynnir: MYNDBANDAKERFI FJÖLBÝLISHÚSA Að lotuglápa(e. binge watch) á gott stöff er góð skemmtun. Að sökkva sér ofan í góðar þáttarraðir, framhaldsmyndir eða bara eitthvað myndefni í ákveðnu þema í marga klukkutíma þar til að hver fruma í líkama þínum er orðin samofin söguþræðinum og veruleikinn skiptir ekki lengur máli. Þetta ætlum við að bjóða upp á mánaðarlega á sunnudagskvöldum á Húrra undir heitinu MYNDBANDAKERFI FJÖLBÝLISHÚSA. Einn listrænn stjórnandi eða glápstjóri velur efni sem tekið er fyrir á hverju kvöldi og svo er sett í gang og látið rúlla til lokunnar. Tilboð á barnum, popp og snakk í boði hússins og allir bara rosa sáttir. Næsti glápstjóri er Berglind Péturssdóttir, gifdrottning, lolhundur og djammskvís með meiru. Hún ætlar að henda úrvals 90's menntaskóladramanu My So Called Life í tækið. Flauelskyrtur, mellubönd og óþarflega mikið rifnar gallabuxur æskilegar. Ekki flókið. Allir velkomnir.

Danceoke á Húrra


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Danceoke er eins og Karaoke NEMA 1. maður dansar í staðinn fyrir að syngja 2. allir dansa saman. þið þurfið ekki að dansa ein. sjáumst!!!!!!!

Sage Francis á Húrra


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Rapparinn geðþekki Sage Francis boðar komu sína enn á ný. Að þessu sinni kemur hann fram á skemmtistaðnum Húrra, fimmtudagsköldið 20. október ásamt Þóri Georg Miðaverð er 2500 kr Miðasala verður við hurð

Ruxpin - Airwaves



Born in 1981, Jonas Thor Gudmundsson, better known as Ruxpin first started producing music at the age of 14. In late 2006 he released his fifth full length album Elysium on Mikrolux. In 2010 he released his sixth album on n5MD, Where Do We Float From Here. Following that release came a free online release I Wonder if This is the Place, which featured remixes by artists such as Leon Somov, Biogen, Worm is Green and alongside additional tracks by Ruxpin himself. In his collaboration project with Fannar Ásgrímsson from Plastik Joy came to life with the release of their debut album Love in Times of Repetition in 2012 under the pseudonym Asonat. In 2013 Ruxpin released his latest full-length album This Time We Go Together. This new album finds Gudmundsson adding a few more vocals to his signature brand of manipulated melodic electronica. This gives the album an even greater humanistic backbone that was only moderately displayed on previous outings. He is currently working on his 9th full-length album, which will hopefully see the day of light in late 2015 or early 2016.

Kero Kero Bonito - Airwaves


Kero kero bonito

“We’re KKB. We make pop music for the whole world. We met when Sarah responded to Gus and Jamie’s advert for a rapper on MixB, a bulletin board for Japanese expats in London. Sarah raps about homework, parties and crocodiles, and treats English and Japanese as one language. Gus and Jamie sit around looking pretty.” So say KKB.

B-Ruff -Airwaves


B ruff

B-Ruff is one of Iceland’s most notorious hip-hop dj´s and has been in the scene for over 18 years. He is a member of the Forgotten Lores Hip-Hop collective, a resident dj at Prikið, Húrra, Dolly and Kaffibarinn in downtown Reykjavik and hosts his own radio show Tetriz which focuses on 90’s golden era hip-hop. He’s travelled all over the world doing gigs in New York, London, Berlin, Porto and Denmark as well as playing festivals such as By:Larm and Roskilde. He’s shared a stage with numerous artists including Snoop Dogg, Pete Rock, 50 Cent, Hudson Mohawke, and A-Trak. He has an uncanny abilty to fill any dancefloor he gets his decks on. B-Ruff became a Iceland champion in dj competiton in routine section 2004. His new set is compiled with bouncy dreamy beats with a hiphop twist. And then to special J-Dilla routine Includeing scratches and beat juggles. Apperances by the great flugel player Ari Bragi, Matty on the vocal/singing and Charlie Marlowe raps, makes the set very powerful and focused.

Herra Hnetusmjör - Airwaves


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Herra Hnetusmjör started making music in 2009 at the age of 13. He released his first single “Elías” on Youtube in early 2014. Since then he has collaborated with the likes of Blaz Roca, Joe Frazier and Helgi Sæmundur (Úlfur Úlfur). In 2014 he performed at countless shows around Iceland, including opening for Hopsin. He is also the frontman of the group KópBoisEntertainment (KBE). Herra Hnetusmjör’s style consists of fast paced flows, clever punchlines and has been described as the most exciting act in Icelandic Hip Hop today.

Cell7 - Airwaves



Ragna Kjartansdottir, also known as CELL7, is a Filipino-Icelandic rapper, songwriter and sound engineer. In 2013 she returned to the music scene, after a long hiatus, and released her first solo album, CELLF. The album received outstanding reviews and was mentioned on several national lists for the best Icelandic albums of the year 2013. Moreover, the album received the Kraumur Music Award, chosen by a diverse panel of experienced Icelandic music and radio journalists. Cell7’s stage performance has been descriped as dynamic and energetic. Her live set is always evolving. In early 2014 she begun the transition from performing with a DJ to performing with a live band. While working on her album she was joined by two of Iceland’s best producers, Earmax and Introbeats. CELLF is diverse rap album as the album’s compositions combine elements of electronic, dance, R&B and dancehall music. Early 2015 Cell7 teamed up with Nolem and released the song “Got this”. She’s is currently working on her new album.

Hefnendabíó á Húrra: Idiocracy


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Jæja, Trump er forseti. Fokkit. Það eru allavega nokkrar vikur í að hann fái að leika sér með kjarnorkuvopnin. Horfum saman á skemmtilega bíómynd þangað til! Við ætlum að sýna framtíðarheimildarmyndina Idiocracy eftir Mike Judge (Silicone Valley, Office Space, Beavis and Butthead) Frítt inn. Bíó. You know the drill.

Red Bull Music Academy presents: AUÐUR á Húrra


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Tónlistarmaðurinn Auður lauk nýverið við Red Bull Music Academy í Montréal í Kanada. Auðunn var tekinn inn úr hópi rúmlega 4.500 umsækjenda. Því er tilefni til að blása til veislu á Húrra. Fram koma tónlistarmenn sem hafa unnið með Auður að undanförnu. Einnig kemur fram ensk líbanski tónlistarmaðurinn Tay Salem sem var líka í RBMA í Montreal. Hildur https://www.facebook.com/hihildur/ Karó https://www.facebook.com/therealkaro/ Tay Salem (ENG) https://www.facebook.com/taysalemmusic/ Einnig verður nýtt myndband frá Auður frumsýnt! Veisludagskrá og frítt inn.

Hjaltalín á Húrra


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Hjaltalín spila á Húrra nýtt og gamalt efni. Hús opnar kl 21 og miðaverð er 2.500 kr.

Godchilla, Skelkur í bringu & Alison Grant á Húrra


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Three shows for one super price! The line up is as follows: 20:00 Alison Grant (kimono) 21:00 Godchilla 22:00 Skelkur í bringu Such lovely music. Cool as fuck guitar drums and bass. Concert will start very timely at 20:00. Be there on time. 1.000 ISK

Moses Hightower á Húrra


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Húsið opnar kl. 20, og húllumhæið hefst kl. 21. --- Nú má strax byrja að æfa sig að kinka hægt kolli í takt við seigfljótandi grúv, því gæðablóðin taktvissu í Moses Hightower hafa boðað komu sína á Húrra þann 23. nóvember. Hljómsveitin hefur nú í tæpan áratug verið helsti kyndilberi sálarskotinnar dægurtónlistar á klakanum, eða allt síðan dúnmjúki valsinn „Búum til börn“ tók að heyrast á öldum ljósvakans árið 2008. Fljótlega eftir það leit dagsins ljós samnefnd plata, og voru gagnrýnendur og hlustendur sammála um að hér kvæði við nýjan tón í íslenskri tónlist. Útsetningar, hljóðheimur og spilamennska sóttu óspart í sálartónlist 7. og 8. áratugar, en textar þóttu minna á íslenskt lopapeysupopp frá sama tímabili, ekki síst Spilverk þjóðanna. Í öllu falli var plötunni tekið fagnandi, og lögin „Vandratað“ og „Bílalest út úr bænum“ hljómuðu látlaust úr viðtækjum landsins. Önnur Mósebók fylgdi í kjölfarið, og sá angurværi og indískotnari tónn sem þar kvað við virtist falla í kramið hjá skammdegisþjóðinni. Platan hlaut fjölda verðlauna, mikla útvarpsspilun, og fór að endingu í gull. Nú er þriðja platan í ofninum, og eru Mosespiltar æstir í að kynna mörlandann fyrir nýju lögunum, í bland við lummur á borð við „Stutt skref“, „Háa C“ og „Sjáum hvað setur“. Hljómsveitin leggur mikinn metnað í lifandi flutning, og er því staðráðin í að gera kvöldið sem ógleymanlegast.

Suð, Knife Fights og Jón Þór á Húrra


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Í tilefni nýrrar breiðskífu Suð, Meira suð!, er blásið til indie rokk veislu á Húrra þann 30 nóvember. Að auki stíga Knife Fights og Jón Þór á stokk. Látið þetta ekki fram hjá ykkur fara! Aðeins 1.000 ISK inn.

Berndsen & One Week Wonder á Húrra


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1 Des á Húrra! Miðaverð: 1500 kr Hægt að kaupa á netinu eða við hurð https://tix.is/is/event/3427/berndsen-one-week-wonder/ Berndsen : Red-bearded pop auteur Berndsen mines the 1980s for inspiration , retro music. Synth bass, programmed drums, guitar solos, retro-futurist aesthetics and dramatic vocals make for an intoxicating, atmospheric, analogue-feeling sound, reminiscent of everything from Michael Jackson to Kraftwerk to The Eurythmics to fellow revivalists like Glass Candy, Dreamtrak and Chromeo. Infinite amounts of fun live. One Week Wonder : A trio from Iceland formed in 2014. The trio went to Berlin to study sound engineering and during their stay they started to record songs with references to bands like Pink Floyd, Air and also movie composer Ennio Morricone. This wild mix of influences translated into as somehow familiar, but a unique personal style of the group. The voice of Magnús Benedikt Sigurðsson captivates the listener with it's warm and heartfelt tone and goes well with group’s vintage sound reminding of old movies. Árni Guðjónsson on keys and Helgi Kristjánsson on drums, both deliver sharp, mesmerizing performance. They are also admirers of the real analog and did their recordings on tape. But the 24 track tape machine is not what makes their music special. Sometimes it’s melancholic, sometimes political, but the main thread that goes through all songs is a journey. The trio recently released a video for their first single 'Mars'. An EP will be debuted in August 2016.

Kronika útgáfutónleikar á Húrra


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Laugardaginn 3. desember heldur Kronika útgáfutónleika á Húrra. Fyrsta plata sveitarinnar, Tinnitus Forte, rataði í hillur verslana, sem og á veitur alnetsins fyrir stuttu síðan og á efnisskránni verða lög af henni eins og tilhlíðilegt telst á útgáfutónleikum. Platan verður til sölu, andrúmsloftið fallegt og gleði í kortunum. Þá eru allir hvattir til að taka með sér skotsilfur, kaupa görótta drykki og skála við meðlimi Kroniku og gesti staðarins. Meðlimir Kroniku koma úr öllum áttum og árekstur þeirra skapaði bræðing sem erfitt er að skilgreina. Fremst í flokki fer Tinna Sverrisdóttir sem áður hafði breytt íslensku rappsenunni með Reykjavíkurdætrum. Hér fær hún að njóta sín til fullnustu við rapp, söng, textagerð og öfgafulla tjáningu sem tælir alla með í dans og dulúð. Fyrir aftan hana standa þrír fullvaxta karlmenn, Guðmundur Stefán Þorvaldsson sem slær gítar og er sjálfsagt þekktastur fyrir að hafa gert slíkt áður, en þá kannski lausar, með krúttsprengjunum í Sunnyside Road. Um dekkri hliðina sjá Snæbjörn Ragnarsson bassaleikari Skálmaldar og Birgir Jónsson trommuleikari Dimmu. Í sérlegu heiðurssæti verður hljómsveitin Himbrimi sem tekur að sér að koma fólki í rétt skap áður en Kronika stígur á stokkinn. Miðaverð aðeins 2000 kr! Sjáumst! ;)

Tómleikar: Vofa, Slor, Naught,Churchhouse Creepers og Godchilla


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Vofa Kalt, grimmt draugadoom. Naught Þunglyndi, hatur, tilvistarkreppa, óhófsemi og almenn bugun. Slor Kraftþungt og hægeldað heimsenda-doom. Churchhouse Creepers Stífgrúvandi sléttuúlfar úr eyðimörkinni Godchilla Framúrstefnuleg sörf þyngsli. 1000 kr inn.

Ceasetone, Milkywhale og EinarIndra á Húrra


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Fimmtudagskvöld fullt af framsækni! Dagskrá 20:00 hús opnar 21:00 EinarIndra 22:00 Ceasetone 23:00 Milkywhale 1.500 kr inn (selt við hurð) Ceasetone is a big musical world where acoustic and electronic elements get mixed into highly dynamic rock where all kinds of musical influences get to take the stage The project grew from the solo project of Hafsteinn Þráinsson (guitar, vocals, synth) and is now presented live as trio with Sólrún Mjöll Kjartansdóttir on drums and Jökull Brynjarsson on synth and bass. The project has recieved great praise for their powerful, passionate and ambitious shows both locally and abroad. Ceasetone's debut album was released last summer and is titled "Two Strangers" "Ceasetone aren’t rappers – they’re Icelandic purveyors of solemn, intense shoegaze with a string quartet, suggesting a new genre – chamber post-rock, love this sort of keening, crashing rock featuring seemingly troubled young musicians seeking refuge behind a wall of scree." -The Guardian "Milkywhale is a bowl of Skittles combined with eight double espressos, topped with the mania of receiving both a new puppy and a trampoline on Christmas morning. Imagine an aerobics instructor in a 1960’s quasi-futuristic space station jumpsuit, with a giant “M” in the background meant to hypnotise you — like Zoolander at the Mugatu compound. Or, if you’re old enough to remember, a Rainbow Brite doll from the 80’s come to life." The Reykjavik Grapevine EinarIndra is an electronic musician from Iceland who mixes smooth electronics with his distinct vocal manipulation. At its core let’s call it electronic music, but with that certain singer/songwriter feel to it, einarIndra’s sound is best described as electronic soul music. His big retro synth sound and high pitch vocals are characteristic over the smooth textures of pads and futuristic beats. einarIndra’s first album was released on the highly acclaimed Icelandic electronic label Möller Records in 2014. Since then he has been apparent in the Icelandic music scene with a growing attention worldwide.

JFDR + asdfhg. á Húrra


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JFDR, the latest project from Iceland's Jófríður Ákadóttir (Samaris, Pascal Pinon, Gangly), is a blend of cyclical guitar parts, soft minimal soundscapes, and poetic wonderings of a journey that ends where it began. Drawing from classical, folk, and electronic backgrounds, JFDR amalgamates the sounds of changing seasons, her voice a current that moves from rough seas to smooth waters. But perhaps JFDR shines the most in her capacity as a wordsmith, employing rich imagery to evoke the subtle emotions embedded in each song. Her first full length album, co-produced with legendary multi-instrumentalist Shahzad Ismaily, is set for release next year. + support by asdfhg. Steinunn Sigþrúðardóttir Jónsdóttir and Orri Úlfarsson make up the lo-fi electro duo asdfhg. The two teamed up in December 2015 after Steingervingur EP, released pseudonymously by Steinunn under the name "asdfhg." earlier in the year attracted unexpected attention, the project was originally not meant for an audience, but was found by coincidence in november and consequently won a Kraumur award. 1.500 ISK entrance

Jólabíó Hefnendanna: Star Wars Holiday Special


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Hefnendurnir bjóða í JÓLABÍÓ Á HÚRRA þann 13. Des klukkan 20. Þetta verður sannkölluð jólaveisla þar sem horft verður á einu Star Wars myndina sem er verri en Phantom Menace, myndina sem George Lucas reyndi að eyða, JarJar Binks level skelfingin STAR WARS HOLIDAY SPECIAL. Hulkleikur og Ævorman munu vera með Live Commentary á meðan sýningu stendur og kannski hefna eitthvað fyrir jarðarbúana sína! Bjór á tilboði, frítt inn og jólaskap í boðinu.

SiGRÚN & dj. flugvél og geimskip á Húrra


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Sunnudaginn 18. desember heldur SIGRÚN útgáfutónleika á Húrra í tilefni af útgáfu tveggja smáskífna sem komu út á þessu ári. dj. flugvél og geimskip veitir liðsauka. Tónleikarnir hefjast kl. 20 og er aðgangseyrir 1500 kr. On Sunday, December 18th, SIGRÚN will celebrate the release of her second EP with a live performance at HÚRRA. The artist will present her exciting, left-field electronic compositions by leading her ensemble through abstract melodies, glitchy beats and heavy electrons drums. Support comes from dj. flugvél and geimskip. The performance begins at 8pm and admission is 1500 ISK. https://soundcloud.com/beinteins89/sets/tog