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L I N Ü / Gulli Björnsson & Jiyeon Kim

Dúettinn L I N Ü, skipaður gítarleikurunum Gulla Björnssyni og Jiyeon Kim, kemur fram í Mengi miðvikudagskvöldið 23. ágúst klukkan 21. Á efnisskrá er meðal annars tónlist eftir Philip Glass, Arvo Pärt, Ólaf Arnalds og Daniel Schlosberg auk tónlistar eftir meðlimi dúettsins. Húsið verður opnað klukkan 20:30. Miðaverð: 2500 krónur og miða er hægt að kaupa við innganginn eða panta í gegnum ENGLISH BELOW Leiðir gítarleikaranna og tónlistarmannanna Gulla Björnssonar og Jiyeon Kim lágu saman í Yale School of Music þar sem þau útskrifuðust með mastersgráðu í tónlist síðastliðið vor en kennari þeirra þar var Benjamin Verdery. Bæði hafa þau komið víða við í listsköpun sinni, í kvikmyndagerð, myndlist og leikhúsi auk þess sem þau fást bæði við tónsmíðar. Fjölþættur bakgrunnur og víðfeðmt áhugasvið þeirra endurspeglast í viðfangsefnum dúettsins LINÜ þar sem saman renna klassísk tónlist og spuni og glænýjar tónsmíðar fyrir bæði klassíska gítara og rafmagnsgítara auk þess sem þau hafa starfað með listamönnum úr öðrum geirum, má þar nefna nýlegt samstarfsverkefni með myndlistarmanninum og arkitektinum Drew Busmire þar sem LINÜ frumflutti tónverk fyrir sýndarveruleikagleraugu. Á meðal tónleikastaða sem þau hafa komið fram í eru Carnegie Hall, National Sawdust, Miller Theater, Mass MOCA, Subculture NYC, LIstasafnið í Fíladelfíu (Philadelphia Museum of Art), Princeton Sound Kitchen, Harpa, Merkin Hall og Metropolitan-listasafnið í New York. Tónleikarnir í Mengi eru fyrstu tónleikar þeirra hér á landi. ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ L I N Ü (guitarists and composers Gulli Bjornsson & Jiyeon Kim) at Mengi on Wednesday, August 23rd at 9pm. Tickets: 2500 ISK (at the door or through Music by Philip Glass, Ólafur Arnalds, Arvo Pärt, Daniel Schlosberg, Gulli Bjornsson, Jiyeon Kim and more. ˘˘˘ ​ Gulli Bjornsson (Iceland) and Jiyeon Kim (South-Korea) are two aspiring young artists searching for new ways to promote classical music. Both virtuosic and versatile, Gulli and Jiyeon have received multiple accolades for their guitar playing and have backgrounds in composition, film, electronic music, visual arts and theater. Their diverse backgrounds, classical training and contemporary influences all come to fruition as they present unique programs of classical music, improvisations, arrangements and new compositions on classical and electric guitars. In recital, they have performed in a wide array of venues, including: Carnegie Hall, National Sawdust, Miller Theater, Mass MOCA, Subculture NYC, Philadelphia Museum of Art, Princeton Sound Kitchen, Harpa, Merkin Hall and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Recent performances include a live musical performance for virtual reality headsets called Satalite: Rhea, along with visual artist and architect Drew Busmire, on the Yale Cabaret Satellite Series and a performance of all Yale Composers at National Sawdust in Brooklyn. Gulli and Jiji met at Yale School of Music in 2015 and have been performing together and creating music ever since. They recently graduated with Master degree’s from Yale School of Music under the tutelage of professor Benjamin Verdery. Their primary studies have been with Benjamin Verdery, David Leisner, David Starobin and Jason Vieaux. ∞∞∞∞∞ From Seoul South Korea, Jiji is an adventurous artist on both acoustic and electric guitar, playing an extensive range of music from traditional and contemporary classical music to free improvisation. Her impeccable musicianship combined with compelling stage presence and fascinating repertoire earned the Korean guitarist First Prize at the 2016 Concert Artists Guild International Competition. In her free time, she enjoys cooking and creating weird sounds on Ableton. ∞∞∞∞∞ A native of Iceland, Gulli Bjornsson received his Bachelor's degree from Manhattan School of Music where he was the winner of the Lilian Fuch’s Chamber Music Competition and received the Andrés Segovia Award. Gulli composes and performs all sorts of music drawing inspiration from film, progressive rock and guitar music. Recent exploits include scoring the documentary Elegy for the Time Being and releasing the Techno album Techno 1. Gulli recently performed Naïve and sentimental music by John Adams with the Yale Philharmonia, conduced by Peter Oundijan. Gulli is an avid Liverpool supporter and played football/soccer throughout his youth. His other interests include weight lifting, fly fishing, math rock, movies and browsing weird YouTube videos.