Let's do it again!
The second TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Friday, February 7th, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
This time, the talks will be selected by Ólöf Hugrún Valdimarsdóttir, actress, entrepreneur and all-around genius.
We are looking forward to see you!
The TEDx Reykjavík Team
Annar TEDxReykjavikCinema-viðburðurinn verður haldinn í Stúdentakjallaranum föstudaginn 7. febrúar kl. 19:00.
Ólöf Hugrún Valdimarsdóttir, leikkona og almennur snillingur, mun velja sín uppáhaldserindi og kynna fyrir okkur.
Við hvetjum alla til að mæta og eiga notalega kvöldstund, fá sér jafnvel að borða eða drykk á glæsilegum matseðli Stúdentakjallarans.
Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur!
Komdu í Stúdentakjallarann þriðjudaginn 25. febrúar kl. 19:00 og sjáðu uppáhalds TED- og TEDx-myndbönd Gísla Marteins Baldurssonar, sjónvarpsmanns.
TEDxReykjavík stendur fyrir þriðja TED-bíó viðburðinum í Stúdentakjallaranum, þar sem nýr einstaklingur velur TED-myndbönd og kynnir fyrir áhorfendum. Stúdentakjallarinn sér okkur fyrir fínum veitingum og notalegri stemmingu.
Í þetta sinn ætlar Gísli Marteinn Baldursson að sýna okkur uppáhaldsmyndböndin sín og segja okkur lítillega frá þeim, hvað honum finnst gott við þau og hvaða innblástur þau veittu honum.
Hlökkum til að sjá þig!
Let's do it again!
The third TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Tuesday, February 25th, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This time, the talks will be selected by Gisli Marteinn Baldursson, TV host at RÚV. He'll show his favourite TED and TEDx talks and tell us how they inspired him.
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
We look forward to seeing you!
The TEDxReykjavík Team
Komdu í Stúdentakjallarann miðvikudaginn 26. mars kl. 19:00 og sjáðu uppáhalds TED- og TEDx-myndbönd okkar.
TEDxReykjavík stendur fyrir fjóraða TEDbíó viðburðinum í Stúdentakjallaranum. Í þetta sinn velur Frederikke Bang frumkvöðull, ferðalangur og heimsborgari TED-myndbönd og kynnir fyrir áhorfendum. Stúdentakjallarinn sér okkur fyrir góðum matseðli og notalegri stemmingu.
Hlökkum til að sjá þig!
Let's do it again!
The fourth TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Wednesday, March 26th, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
We look forward to seeing you!
The TEDxReykjavík Team
Komdu í Stúdentakjallarann mánadaginn 31. mars kl. 19:00 og sjáðu uppáhalds TED- og TEDx-myndbönd okkar.
TEDxReykjavík stendur fyrir fimm TEDbíó viðburðinum í Stúdentakjallaranum. Í þetta sinn velur Hjörtur Howser TED-myndbönd og kynnir fyrir áhorfendum. Stúdentakjallarinn sér okkur fyrir góðum matseðli og notalegri stemmingu.
Hlökkum til að sjá þig!
Let's do it again!
The fifth TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Monday, March 31st, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
This time Hjörtur Howser, Icelandic musician will present his favorite TED videos.
We look forward to seeing you!
The TEDxReykjavík Team
Komdu í Stúdentakjallarann mánadaginn 7. April kl. 19:00 og sjáðu uppáhalds TED- og TEDx-myndböndin okkar.
TEDxReykjavík stendur fyrir fimm TEDbíó viðburðum í Stúdentakjallaranum. Stúdentakjallarinn sér okkur fyrir góðum matseðli og notalegri stemmingu.
Í þetta skiptið verður Sigga Dögg kynfræðingur kynnir!
Hlökkum til að sjá þig!
Let's do it again!
The sixth TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Monday, April 7th, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This nights host will be Sigga Dögg! Sigga Dögg has a bachelors degree in Psychology and an Australian masters degree in sexology. She has a weekly column in Fréttablaðið in addition to writing columns for various magazines and newsletters. So her favorite talks will be very interesting.
Check her out on https://www.facebook.com/siggadogg.is or http://www.siggadogg.is/
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
We are excited and we look forward to seeing you!
The TEDxReykjavík Team
+++ English below +++
Komdu í Stúdentakjallarann fimmtudaginn 24. april kl. 19:00 og sjáðu uppáhalds TED- og TEDx-myndböndin hennar Bjargar Magnúsdóttur.
TEDxReykjavík stendur fyrir sjöunda TEDbíó viðburðinum í Stúdentakjallaranum.
Stúdentakjallarinn mun bjóða upp á flottan matseðil og sér til þess að það verði notaleg stemning.
Í þetta skiptið verður Björg Magnúsdóttir kynnir!
Björg Magnúsdóttir er fædd árið 1985. Hún er stjórnmálafræðingur með MA gráðu í hagnýtri menningarmiðlun frá Háskóla Íslands. Björg hefur m.a. starfað sem blaðamaður, formaður Stúdentaráðs HÍ, kynningarfulltrúi og verkefnastjóri. Nú starfar hún sem fréttamaður á RÚV.
Björg er pistlahöfundur og hefur meðal annars haldið úti skrifum á víðlesnum netmiðlum, síðast á mbl.is. Ekki þessi týpa er fyrsta skáldsaga Bjargar.
Hlökkum til að sjá þig!
Let's do it again!
The seventh TEDxReykjavíkCinema will take place on Thursday, April 24th, at 19:00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This nights host will be Björg Magnúsdottir.
Björg Magnúsdottir was born in 1985. She holds an MA in applied Culture from the University of Iceland. She has worked as a journalist, she was the chair of the Student Centre, PR and Project Manager. Now she works as a journalist for the National Broadcasting Service (RÚV).
She is a columnist and her publications are widely read throughout online media, most recently on mbl.is.
It's a cosy evening of listening to TED talks together. We will meet up, watch TED talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is.
We are excited and we look forward to seeing you!
The TEDxReykjavík Team
We would like to welcome you to the first of three TEDxReykjavíkCinema events before our TEDxReykjavík Conference in May 2015. We call them TED-bíó, bíó is icelandic for cinema.
We start out the year with a series of cosy evenings of listening to TED talks together every last Tuesday of the month at 20.00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This is a great evening to meet up, watch TED and TEDx talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is/
Our presenter in January will be Halldór Auðar Svansson.
Halldór sits on the Reykjavík City Council for the Pirate Party of Iceland. He's the chair of the city's Committee on Administration and Democracy. His entrance into politics is a recent one as he used to work in IT before the Pirates came along and recruited him. In 2011 he had an epsiode of psychosis which gave him some insight into the world of mental unhealth, and dealing with it successfully meant finding out what it takes to reach and maintain good mental health. These subjects hold an endless fascination for him.
We are excited and we look forward to seeing you!
The Team of TEDx Reykjavík
*Change of date: This month it will be Wednesday the 25th of February!
We would like to welcome you to the second of three TEDxReykjavíkCinema events before our TEDxReykjavík Conference in May 2015. We call them TED-bíó, bíó is icelandic for cinema.
We start out the year with a series of cosy evenings of listening to TED talks together every last Tuesday of the month at 20.00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This is a great evening to meet up, watch TED and TEDx talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is/
We are excited and we look forward to seeing you!
At this event Vilborg Arna will be presenting her favorite TED and TEDx talks. Vilborg Arna is an explorer and passionate daydreamer. She has been to the South Pole and her mission is to follow her dreams.
The Team of TEDx Reykjavík
Sumir halda að föstudagurinn 13. sé óhappadagur.
Stúdentakjallarinn veit betur og fagnar deginum:
DJ Víðir og Dýrið, sem eru í miklu uppáhaldi hjá gestum Stúdentakjallarans, spila frá kl. 21.
Beer Pong - fyrir þá hressu.
Og ótrúleg verð á barnum.
// Is Friday the 13th an unlucky day? We don't think so...
DJ Víðir og Dýrið, Beer Pong and shocking prices (in a good way) at the bar.
TEDxReykjavík and Stúdentakjallarinn present:
As part of our series of smaller events in preparation for TEDxReykjavík 2015, we will host a live viewing party of TED 2015.
TED 2015 is a several day event that gathers dozens of social entrepreneurs, artists and thinkers in a melting pot of ideas and inspiration. We will be a part of that, watching it happen live from Stúdentakjallarinn, Reykjavík.
Explore the full program and read about the event here: conferences.ted.com/TED2015.
The event starts at 15:30 (Reykjavík time) and will finish at 23:00. We will watch sessions 2, 3 and 4 of the program. Entrance is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
In the break between 19:45 and 21:15 the band Hinemoa will play music and Gunnar Hrafn Jónsson will perform standup comedy.
Tuborg is our partner in sponsoring the entertainment.
Sign up for TEDxReykjavík news here: eepurl.com/AW4e5
Our web sites:
tedxreykjavik.is (homepage)
tedxreykjavik.tumblr.com (news)
TEDx Reykjavík
TEDxLive is an extension of the TEDx program, launched by TED in 2010. TEDxLive events are TEDx events built around the live webcast of TED Conferences. TEDxLive events enable TED enthusiasts all over the world to experience live sessions of the TED Conference. Some are simple viewing events, and some host live speakers.
Þá er komið að uppistandskvöldi GOmobile og Stúdentakjallarans!
Hér mun gamansemin ná nýjum hæðum og stjarnfræðileg þvæla vella upp úr uppistöndurunum þar til jörðin opnast og eldur brýst fram.
Eða þar til Stúdentakjallarinn lokar kl. eitt og kominn er háttatími.
Kynnir kvöldsins er Bylgja Babýlons og fram koma:
Hugleikur Dagsson
Leifur Leifsson
Snjólaug Lúðvíksdóttir
Andri Ívarsson
York Underwood
Gísli J. Pálmason
Ertu að velta fyrir þér hvað GOmobile er? GOmobile er alveg brilljant lausn fyrir alla til að safna peningum sjálfkrafa með símanum sínum. Þú safnar inneignum með því að versla hjá samstarfsaðilum GOmobile sem eru á yfir 300 stöðum um land allt og GOmobile kostar ekkert!
Viltu vita meira? Kíktu á þetta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_4BCll01Xg
// Do you want to forget the storm and have an overdose of endorphin? If the answer is yes or maybe, you should attend this stand-up comedy show (in Icelandic and English).
Singer Ásdís María and DJ Sura host a “legendary” karaoke and DJ Night. Sing a little, dance a little, drink a little, and have a great time! Check out the Facebook event.
Næsta föstudag verður öllu tjaldað til í Stúdentakjallaranum.
Ásdís María Viðarsdóttir, söngkona og karókísérfræðingur, og DJ Sura (Þura Stína) stýra karókíkvöldi þar sem skemmtileg tónlist og karókíatriði gesta blandast saman svo úr verður fyrsta flokks stuðkvöld.
Allir eru velkomnir, ókeypis inn, ótrúleg tilboð á barnum og mækinn er ÞINN.
Skráning á staðnum í karókíið. Veldu krassandi lag. Sóló, dúó og tríó eru velkomin sem og Tina Turner og Michael Jackson.
// The Student Cellar invites you to a legendary Karaoke / DJ Night with the singer Ásdís María and DJ Sura on Friday night.
Sing your favourite song, drink some beer and enjoy a good mixture of karaoke performances and a DJ set.
Don't be afraid to showcase your amazing shower singing skills.
Sultukrukkudómurinn blæs til lagaveislu í Stúdentakjallaranum. Á matseðlinum er aðeins einn réttur: hin eina lagalega rétta niðurstaða.
Dómararnir við Krukkuna taka til dóms deilu úr samtímanum. Málflytjendur eru ekki af verri endanum en þeir eru:
Jóhann Alfreð Kristinsson, lögfræðingur, uppistandari og gárungur.
Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, stud. jur. og sælkeri.
Áhorfendum gefst ennfremur tækifæri til að spyrja málflytjendur og dómara um allt á milli himins og jarðar.
Heimalningur Krukkunnar verður á kantinum og spilar seiðandi tóna.
Tökum fagnandi á móti páskahátíðinni með sól í sinni og hina lagalegu aðferð kirfilega flúraða á heilabörkinn. Frítt inn. Ekkert aldurstakmark.
ATH. Þetta er ekki aprílgabb.
In support of Götusmiðjan, a charity that supports treatment for children and adolescents involved in drugs and crime, 1860, Rebekka Sif and Refur are putting on a concert at the Student Bar.
Hljómsveitin Ylja spilar í Stúdentakjallaranum næsta laugardag kl. 21.
Frítt inn og allir eru velkomnir. Skemmtilegir tónleikar og drykkir á góðu verði.
Stúdentakjallarinn er staðsettur við Háskóla Íslands og með tónleikunum vill staðurinn og Bláa kortið óska nemendum góðs gengis í vorprófum.
Skálum saman fyrir vorinu, sem hlýtur að fara að koma!
// Concert with Ylja at the Student Celler this Saturday at 9 PM. Free admission.
- The Ylja Bio -
Ylja was formed in 2008 by guitarists/singers Gígja Skjaldardóttir and Bjartey Sveinsdóttir in Reykjavík, Iceland. With a common passion for vocal harmonies and love for the acoustic guitar, the two friends embarked on a musical journey – always trying to expand and broaden their sense for creativity.
Things took off immediately and Ylja was asked to do shows all over Iceland. As a couple of years passed, the duet was gaining live experience by the handful. Icelandic slide-guitarist Smári Tarfur joined the band in the fall of 2011 and, led by the strong creative vision of the two girls, Ylja’s sound expanded even more. With their dreamy vocal melodies, tasteful guitar riffs accompanied by Smári's unique lap-style slide playing - Ylja's sound was born!
More opportunities came to pass. Four consecutive Iceland Airwaves Festivals, the annual Bræðslan Festival in the incredible East Fjords, gigs with Grammy Award winner Glen Hansard and many others made Ylja one of the most exciting live acts of the cold country up north.
Their debut self titled album was released in November of 2012 and caused a nice stir in Iceland and the bands popularity kept growing. Ylja was nominated for an Icelandic Music Award as the best newcomer in 2013. Early in the summer of 2013 bass player Valgarð Hrafnsson and drummer Maggi Magg joined the band, and in January of 2014 the legendary guitarist Örn Eldjárn replaced Smári Tarfur and bass player Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi took Valgarðs place midsummer 2014, as the band was advancing in a new direction whilst working on new material showcased on their sophomore album titled Commotion, released in November of 2014. Ylja’s music is bigger, more electric and alternative in genre although loyal to a background of powerful harmonies and emotional liveshows.
YLJA - debut album (IS2012, EU2014):
9/10 “A fantastic album” Andrea Jonsdottir, Rás 2 / National Radio / Reykjavik, Iceland
8,9/10 “I’ll be lost in this album for days” - The Classy Keep, Music Blog
-/+ "This is a strong showing" - Bob Cluness, Reykjavik Grapevine Magazine
12/15 “CONCLUSION : Those who believe that OMAM are the great discovery of Iceland, probably just have not heard Ylja!” - Thoralf Koß, Musikreviews.de
COMMOTION - sophomore album (IS2014):
4/5 “Clever songwriting and lyrics, hard to find better vocal harmonies” Hannes Friðbjarnarson, Fréttatíminn
4/5 “An excellent sophomore album from a band on the rise” Björn Teitsson, visir.is / Fréttablaðið
Bjartey Sveinsdóttir (guitar, ukulele, vocals)
Gígja Skjaldardóttir (guitar, vocals)
Örn Eldjárn (electric guitar)
Ingibjörg Elsa Turchi (bass)
Maggi Magg (drums, percussion)
We would like to welcome you to the last of three TEDxReykjavíkCinema events before our TEDxReykjavík Conference on May 16th 2015. We have been calling them TED-bíó, bíó is icelandic for cinema.
We started out the year with a series of cosy evenings of listening to TED talks together every last Tuesday of the month at 20.00 at Stúdentakjallarinn.
This is a great evening to meet up, watch TED and TEDx talks together, have a coffee, beer or some burgers, and have a good time. You can check out the menu on http://studentakjallarinn.is/
Our presenter in April will be Sunna Ben
Sunna Ben is a young artist, DJ, photo editor and activist living and working in Reykjavík, Iceland. For the last few years she has been one of the organizers of the Reykjavík SlutWalk (Druslugangan), as well as having partaken in various initiatives that revolve around giving spotlights to women working in fields in which they are underrepresented, for example in the DJ scene and in the rap scene.
We are excited and we look forward to seeing you!
The Team of TEDx Reykjavík
Þá er komið að uppistandskvöldi GOmobile og Stúdentakjallarans þar sem hláturinn mun gusast út um eyrun á ykkur!
Kynnir kvöldsins er Bylgja Babýlons og fram koma:
Þórdís Nadia
York Underwood
Leifur Leifsson
Dóra Unnars
Salómon Smári Óskarson
Ekki láta þessa snilld fram hjá þér fara! #fokkprófin #ódýrbjór #dýrtgrín
Ertu að velta fyrir þér hvað GOmobile er? GOmobile er alveg brilljant lausn fyrir alla til að safna peningum sjálfkrafa með símanum sínum. Þú safnar inneignum með því að versla hjá samstarfsaðilum GOmobile sem eru á yfir 300 stöðum um land allt og GOmobile kostar ekkert!
Viltu vita meira? Kíktu á þetta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_4BCll01Xg
// Do you understand Icelandic jokes or do you want to understand them? Then you should attend this stand-up comedy show in the Student Cellar.
Let’s get the party started!
You are invited to Secret Solstice Warm-Up Party at the Student Cellar on Tuesday, June 16th. FREE entry.
The Warm-Up Party is held by Landsbankinn, Secret Solstice and the Student Cellar.
Line-up (from 9 PM to 01 AM):
Kælan Mikla
Kiriyama Family
Spice up your Tuesday night and start celebrating the Icelandic National Day (June 17th) on midnight.
// UPPHITUNARTÓNLEIKAR Secret Solstice verða í Stúdentakjallaranum þriðjudaginn, 16. júní.
FRÍTT inn og tilboð á barnum.
Tónleikarnir eru í boði Landsbankans, Secret Solstice og Stúdentakjallarans.
Dagskráin (frá 21 til 01).
Kælan mikla
Kiriyama Family
Hinir sívinsælu Jón Már og Árni Freyr mæta með gítarana og skemmta í tali og tónum. Stórkostleg kvöldstund eins og allir vita sem hafa áður mætt. Tuborg og Somarsby í vinning.
Jón Már og Árni Freyr mæta með gítarana. Egils Gull og Somersby í vinning. - Pop Quiz in English. Egils Gull beer and Somersby prizes for the winning teams.
Following the Universities Welcome Reception for International Students the Student Cellar invites all students, international and local, to a welcome party.
The ever so popular Pop Quiz starts at 20 with beer and Somersby prizes for the winning teams. Free Boli Beer for the first arrivers.
Don't miss the first of many party's at the Student Cellar this school year. A great opportunity to meet and mingle.
Hið sívinsæla Pop quiz. Geggjað mikið af bjór og Somersby í vinning fyrir þrjú efstu liðin. - The ever so popular Pop Quiz. Loads of beer and Somersby for the top three teams.
It’s that time of year again. The Harvest is almost upon us, and as such we must make ample room for our future bounty. So grab a 30 rack and a couple dozen hot dogs, make sure your friends do the same, and head on over to the main stage to see three days worth of kick-ass Iceland musical acts.
It’s that time of year again. The Harvest is almost upon us, and as such we must make ample room for our future bounty. So grab a 30 rack and a couple dozen hot dogs, make sure your friends do the same, and head on over to the main stage to see three days worth of kick-ass Iceland musical acts.
Spurningakeppni í tali og tónum. Rosalega mikið af Somersby og bjór í vinning. Hrikalega hresst og skemmtilegt prógramm - Tvo guys with their guitars play songs and ask questions related to the music. Loads of Somersby and beer prizes for the winning teams.
Í tilefni af því að sala er hafin á Airwaves miðum í Bóksölu stúdenta með glæsilegum afslætti fyrir stúdenta býður Landsbankinn á stórtónleika í Stúdentakjallaranum.
Upphitun hefst kl. 21. Úlfur í boði Ölgerðarinnar fyrir fyrstu gestina.
As the University Bookstore kicks off sale on Airwaves tickets on discount, Landsbankinn invites you to a concert in Stúdentakjallarinn.
Warm op starts at 21. Úlfur beer from Ölgerðin for the first arrivers.
Spurningakeppni í tali og tónum. Rosalega mikið af Somersby og bjór í vinning. Hrikalega hresst og skemmtilegt prógramm - Tvo guys with their guitars play songs and ask questions related to the music. Loads of Somersby and beer prizes for the winning teams.
Úrslitaleikur DreamHack Cluj-Napoca 2015. Hefst kl. 21, BO3.
Tilboð á mat og drykk þar til eldhús lokar kl. 22 og tilboð á barnum eftir það.
Axel Flóvent is a musician hailing from the northern fishing village of Húsavík. At the age of 19 Axel has already spent a few years creating his own music and performing in Húsavík as well as all over Iceland by himself and as a part of his bands. His music can be described as modern folk music. At its core it´s acoustic and low key but bears obvious influences from other forms of music such as indie rock, pop and electronic music. Keeping in the vein of modern folk singers Axel has been active writing and recording his own songs and has a numerous online releases available.