
Vonarstræti 3
101, Reykjavík


INNIPÚKINN EXTRA: Gordon's Kokteil Zeit, Pub quiz, Adda Ingólfs og Snorri


Tökum laugardaginn snemma á Innipúkanum. Tilboð á barnum frá klukkan 16.00. ÓKEYPIS AÐGANGUR. Adda Ingólfs og Snorri Helgason koma fram og síðast en ekki síst: Pop Quiz spurningakeppni Gordon's. Dagskráin fer fram í efri sal Iðnó og er opin öllum. 16:00 Gordon’s Kokteil Zeit (Happy Hour) 17:00 Snorri Helgason 17:30 Adda Ingólfs 18:00 Gordon’s Pub Quiz Það þarf ekki að kaupa sig inn á hátíðina til að taka þátt í Gordon’s Pub Quiz. Max fjórir í liði, þemað er tónlist og spyrill og höfundur er Kamilla Ingibergsdóttir. Meðhöfundar spurninga eru - Árni Matt - Bobby Breiðholt - Sveinn Birkir. Meira um Innipúkann hér: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=228798720493068

Innipúkinn 2012


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Ólgandi stemmning í Reykavík um verslunarmannahelgina. -- Í góðri samvinnu við Tuborg -- Innipúkinn verður um haldinn hátíðlegur um verslunarmannahelgina í Iðnó. Einnig verður boðið upp á skemmtidagskrá KEX, þar sem ýmislegt verður til gamans gert, en aðaldagskráin er á Iðnó þar sem fram koma rúmlega 20 hljómsveitir og listamenn. Innipúkinn fagnar í ár 10 ára afmæli sínu. Hátíðin hefur farið um víðan völl síðan hún var fyrst haldin árið 2002, en hófst einmitt í Iðnó - og fór fram þar í fyrra, fyrir troðfullu húsi. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- UPPHITUN https://www.facebook.com/events/181386668660853/ SMÁTÍÐ (extra prógramm á KEX) https://www.facebook.com/events/482573901770783/ -------------------------------- -------------------------------- MIÐAR & ARMBÖND Aðgöngumiðar eru í formi armbands. Hátíðar-armband veitir aðgang að allri hátíðinni - á meðan kvöldarmband tryggir aðgang á viðkomandi kvöld. Í báðum tilvikum er auðvelt að rölta út og inn - og fást miðar sem verslaðir eru á midi.is skipt fyrir armband í Iðnó alla verslunarmannahelgina. Miðasala á midi.is (http://midi.is/tonleikar/1/7091) og verslunum Brim Laugavegi 71 og Kringlunni. -------------------------------- -------------------------------- SKEMMTIKRAFTAR & HLJÓMSVEITIR - DAGSKRÁ Dagskrá Innipúkans 2012 Fimmtudagur 2. ágúst KEX 20:00-23:00 - Armbönd afhent - Borko og Prinspóló leika tónlist - Hressileg hressing ......................................................... Föstudagur 3. ágúst KEX 16:00-19:00 - Armbönd afhent - Mammút og Dr.Gunni leika tónlist - Almenn eftirvænting IÐNÓ 21:00 - Dr. Gunni 22:00 - Kiriyama Family 23:00 - Borko 23:50 - Auxpan 00:10 - Jónas Sigurðsson 01:00 - Prins póló 02:00 - Mammút ......................................................... Laugardagur 4. ágúst KEX 16:00-19:00 - Cocktail Zeit - Pop Quiz - Moses Hightower leikur tónlist IÐNÓ 21:00 - Just another snake cult 22:00 - Ásgeir Trausti 23:00 - Lay Low 23:50 - Gísli Einarsson 00:10 - Moses Hightower 01:00 - Þú og ég 02:00 - Tilbury ......................................................... Sunnudagur 5. ágúst KEX 16:00-19:00 - Þynnkumatur að hætti Kex - DJ Gentelow (BE) leikur þynnkuvæna tónlist - Ásgeir Trausti tekur lagið IÐNÓ 21:00 - Gang Related 22:00 - Sudden Weather Change 23:00 - Muck 23:50 - Shivering Man 00:10 - Ojba Rasta 01:00 - Úlfur Úlfur 02:00 - Oculus -------------------------------- -------------------------------- HAFA SAMBAND VIÐ PÚKANN info@faxafloi.is -------------------------------- -------------------------------- INNIPÚKÍ Í ÁRATUG! Árið 2002 varð bylting í reykvísku skemmtanalífi. Allar verslunarmannahelgar árin á undan hafði bærinn verið nær tómur af fólki, enda bróðurpartur Reykvíkinga illa haldin af útilegugeðveiki. Skemmtanalífið var frekar máttlaust fyrir þær örfáu hræður sem ekki fannst kræsilegt að velkjast um í tjaldi þessa helgi og því ákváðu Hljómsveit Dr. Gunna og hljómsveitin Rúnk að efna til skemmtidagskrár í Iðnó undir nafninu Innipúkinn. Undanfari hátíðarinnar var "vel" heppnuð Viðeyjarhátíð sem haldin var fyrr um sumarið. Það var strax ljóst að mikil þörf skemmtun á borð við Innipúkann, enda hefurhátíðin verið haldin á hverju ári síðan og margir af fremstu tónlistarmönnum og skemmtikröftum landsins komið fram á hátíðinni. Má þar nefna Raggi Bjarna, Mugison, Megas, Gylfi Ægisson, Hjálmar, FM Belfast, Ómar Ragnarsson, Trabant, Dikta, Hjaltalín, Mínus og svo mætti heillengi áfram telja. SJÁUMST HRESS Á INNIPÚKANUM 2012 -nefndin



Diskógoðsögnin Þú og Ég heldur dansleik í Iðnó ásamt Moses Hightower föstudagskvöldið 14. september. Hljómsveitirnar komu fyrst saman á Innipúkanum um nýliðna verslunarmannahelgi og vegna fjölda áskorana var ákveðið að endurtaka leikinn. Moses Hightower stíga fyrstir á svið og leika meðal annars lög af nýútkominni hljómplötu sinni, Önnur Mósebók, en platan hefur hlotið mikið lof gagnrýnenda. "Besta plata ársins til þessa" sagði Dr. Gunni í plötudómi í Fréttatímanum um daginn og gaf henni fullt hús stiga. Í kjölfarið stíga svo Helga Möller og Jóhann Helgason á svið og gera allt vitlaust við undirleik Moses Hightower. Skipuleggjendur tónleikana hafa setið á hleri við æfingabúðir sveitanna og komist á snoðir um hvaða lög eru á efnisskránni. Við erum að tala um lög eins og: Þú og ég, Í Reykjavíkurborg, Villi og Lúlla, Dans dans dans, Ljúfa líf, Vegir liggja, ofl. Lög sem allar post-diskó-kynslóðir kunna utanað. Það er líklegt að hér sé á ferðinni einn af dansleikjum ársins, ef ekki árþúsundsins. Miðasala er á midi.is

Nordic Affect


Nordic affect

Celebrating the First Day of Summer, chamber music group Nordic Affect is hosting a children’s music program at Iðnó on April 23.

Tribute to Stella Night


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This concert sees Icelandic musicians paying tribute to the songs and sharing memories of musician and lesbian activist Stella Night.

Evening Concert: Hörður Torfason


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Reykjavík Pride is bringing you a performance by prolific musician and OG queer activist Hörður Torafson. This guy is rad, and so is his music. Check him out.

Reykjavík Pride Dance


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With DJ Siggi Gunn, Sweden’s leading avant-garde night-life !!!extravaganza!!! Duo Raw, and Icelandic electro-house trio Steed Lord, things are sure to get weird–in the best way.

Caterpillarmen - Airwaves



Been active since 2009 with a brief hiatus. Started doing prog-rock, went over to punk in progressive defiance of genrefication, only to break down all genre barriers and do music for the sake of just that.

Teitur Magnússon - Airwaves


Teitur magnusson

Ojba Rasta’s singer/guitarist Teitur Magnússon released his long-awaited solo debut, titled ’27’, last december. We’re talking about a diversely influenced ‘indie pop’ record and you can witness and parttake in its enjoyable laid back’ness Live this Airwaves. You’ll hear simple and catchy songs layered with a psychedelic texture and some sweet melodies thanks to a rich and colorful instrumentation. Drawing from a wide array of sounds and elements, Teitur brings you a fresh slice of Icelandic pop, daring to take you higher!

Þórir Georg - Airwaves


Thorir georg

“I write and perform songs. I like punk rock and guitar music from the 90s mostly as well as Neil Young and the Rolling Stones. I have some people to help me perform the songs live. It gets pretty loud sometimes but I´d like to think it´s still pretty enjoyable. My songs are personal, political and occasionally completely fictional. I´ve been doing this for a while,” Þórir Georg says of himself.

Fufanu - Airwaves



Fufanu had their early roots in techno, but an untimely theft of their master computer with their unreleased techno album pushed Fufanu into a new realm of soundscape. Their approach delivers a unique modern rock’n’roll sound rooted in new wave, post punk and indeed future rock. Releasing their debut album later in 2015 via One Little Indian Records, being one of 10 New Artist You Need to know by Rolling Stone Magazine and winning The Band To Watch in 2015 by Reykjavík Grapevine after gaining the trust of the audience.

Blaue Blume - Airwaves


Blaue blume

The blue flower of poetry is in no danger of losing its leaves in the company of Blaue Blume. After the band in May 2013 announced their debut track ‘On New Years Eve’ at Soundcloud, the track gained a massive attention all around Europe on various music media and blogs. It was called the best debut track in 2013 by the hype blog Fake DIY and reached the Top50 for 2013 of “The Line of Best Fit”. Blaue Blume released their debut EP “Beau and Lorette” on UK label CLUB AC30 on June 2nd 2014 and received several amazing 5 and 6 stars reviews, played shows all over Europe, festivals shows and several of sold out venue shows. Radio airplay Denmark, Germany, UK and France, their single “In Disco Lights” was the most played song at the Danish national radio station P6. The EP was by several medias rated in top 10 releases in 2014. In the work with their music they find inspiration in the drama of The Smiths, the melodic structures from the Cocteau Twins, the complexity and dynamics from “The lamb lies down on Broadway” by Genesis, the sexy” dancyness “from Roxy Music as well as in the fateful tenderness Nina Simone – to name a few references from a personal point of view.

BRNS - Airwaves



From the medieval and postmodern corners of Brussels come BRNS, a mesmerizing experiment in dusk, dance, and the fullness of sound. Like the dark-yet-vibrant images of Brussels, this quartet of talented multi-instrumentalists weaves together tunes that are mystical, moody and insatiably catchy. BRNS is ceaseless in their ability to unfold haunting ambience into chest-pounding beats, and then back again.

Brim - Airwaves



Brim was founded in 1995 by a group of childhood friends who shared a devotion to surf music and hamburgers. The result was some good, clean surf music. In 1996, the band released a record, ‘Hafmeyjur og hanastél’, through Bad Taste. They are known for their lively performances, as well as their bright blue band costumes. Though Brim was most active in 1995-1997, the band has made some reappearances since, and its members continue to play in various other bands in the Icelandic music scene.

French for Rabbits - Airwaves


French for rabbits

French for Rabbits hail from the remote natural setting of Waikuku Beach, in New Zealand’s South Island. Vocalist Brooke Singer expresses intimate narratives against the cast of the damp colonial cold; her voice delicately steeled against winsome guitar lines, and the eerie instrumentation. It’s a weather-beaten dreamscape, nostalgic for warmth and hopefully lilting towards sunnier climes. While the warm instrumentation lends itself to pleasant comparisons with the Paisley West Coast pop-rock styling’s of bands like Mazzy Star, French for Rabbits are infused with a cold, brooding gaze evident through carefully decaying beats and glacial guitars akin to Laura Marling or Daughter on opiates. In 2014, they released their debut album ‘Spirits’ on Portland label Lefse Records (home to A Sunny Day in Glasgow, Sea Oleena) and toured with Danish songwriter Agnes Obel.

The Drink - Airwaves


The drink

The Drink are Dearbhla Minogue (vocals, guitar), David Stewart (bass) and Daniel Fordham (drums). The songs are influenced by American, English and Irish folk songs. They play odd guitar pop with a dark folk undertone, and have been compared to Deerhoof, The Breeders, Talking Heads, Kate Bush, Throwing Muses, Life Without Buildings and The Roches. They formed in late 2012 when Dearbhla lived above the practice room where London pop-post-rockers Fighting Kites rehearsed. She took advantage of their split by recruiting Daniel and David as rhythm section for The Drink. Outside The Drink, Dearbhla is also one-third of The Wharves, bass player of Shield Your Eyes.