Hilton Reykjavík Nordica

Suðurlandsbraut 2
108, Reykjavík


Reykjavík Blues Festival

Hilton Reykjavík Nordica


The Reykjavík Blues Festival is back again at the Hilton Nordica. This year’s festival is dedicated to the 100th birthday of Muddy Waters and Wille Dixon (even though McKinley Morganfield a.k.a. Muddy Waters was most likely born in 1913).

Reykjavík Blues Festival

Hilton Reykjavík Nordica


The Reykjavík Blues Festival is back again at the Hilton Nordica. This year’s festival is dedicated to the 100th birthday of Muddy Waters and Wille Dixon (even though McKinley Morganfield a.k.a. Muddy Waters was most likely born in 1913).

Reykjavík Blues Festival

Hilton Reykjavík Nordica


The Reykjavík Blues Festival is back again at the Hilton Nordica. This year’s festival is dedicated to the 100th birthday of Muddy Waters and Wille Dixon (even though McKinley Morganfield a.k.a. Muddy Waters was most likely born in 1913).