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Flóamarkaður KEX & Co.

Flóamarkaður KEX og Co. KEX og Co. (DILL, Hverfisgata 12, HOLT, Mikkeller & Friends Reykjavík og Sæmundur í sparifötunum) rýma til og losa sig við húsgögn og sjaldgæfa innanstokksmuni á flóamarkaði að Fiskislóð 73 í Reykjavík 24. og 25. mars næstkomandi. DILL Restaurant, KEX Hostel, Hverfisgata 12, Mikkeller & Friends og Sæmundur í sparifötunum eru annáluð fyrir smekklega hönnun og næmni fyrir fögrum smáatriðum og er þetta því einstakt tækifæri til þess að tryggja sér muni sem fást hvergi annnarsstaðar. Einnig góður stemmari, músik og hvaðeina.

DJ Sura x DJ Karítas

Fyrsta kvöldið okkar á Húrra! DJ Karítas og DJ Sura snúa bökum saman og bjóða upp á tryllt djammsett á Húrra laugardagskvöldið 24. mars <3

Nordic Music Arts and Crafts Iceland 2018

Nordic music arts and crafts is a nordic network that has arranged meetings in Sweden, Denmark and Iceland. Each meeting consists of workshops and networking. The network is about collaboration between people that work with music - sound, crafts and design, with a focus on sustainability. We want to bring the design and form perspective into music instrument building. The goal of this project is to create a longterm network between the nordic countries, and connect interesting and inspiring people that create different musical instruments, as well as people in crafts, innovation, tech and sustainability, with eachother. We hope to develope new collaborations around soundart, music, interactive soundsculptures etc. Above all it can generate more collected knowledge, ideas and collaborations for all of the participants. The project creates understanding that anyone can build musical instruments and play them. The only thing you need is knowledge. Special guests of the conference are Yuri Landman (born February 1, 1973) a Dutch inventor of musical instruments and musician who has made several experimental electric string instruments for a number of artists including Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth, Liars, Jad Fair of Half Japanese, Liam Finn, and Laura-Mary Carter.. and Gary Naylor (Scrubberfox), an electronic musician, hardware bend-maker and audio-visual artist; exploring smash beats, glitch, acid dance floor tracks and electronica as well as interactive digital visuals and installations. An audio-visual Chiptune retrospective through the Ages A/V electronic installation and performance. Using home-built modifications and circuit-bending techniques, Scrubber Fox takes antiquated and obsolete electronic equipment such video game consoles (Megadrives, NES, Atari 2600, Gameboy) and turns them into AV engines, using the existing sound and graphic chips within them. This hardware is then utilised as an “instrument” for avant-garde music and visual generation. The program: NMAC Reykjavik 24-25 march 2018 At Mengi: Óðinsgata 2, 101 Reykjavík, Ísland Saturday 24 12.00-12.30 Presentation of NMAC 12.30-14.30 Lecture Yuri Landmann 14.30-15.30 Coffeebreak 15.30-17.30 Three different groups of ”show and tell” 1 Crafts 2 Electronic instruments 3 Acoustic instruments 17.30-18.00 Goodbye Sunday 25 12.00-12.30 Welcome 12.30-14.30 Workshop 1 Gary Naylor (Scrubberfox) 14.30-15.00 Coffeebreak with performance of ”Ekkoflok” DK 15.00-16.30 Workshop 2 Craft Maria Siska and Lene Zachariassen 16.30-17.30 Networking. Meeting people from other artforms. 17.30-18.00 ”What’s next?” : The future of the NMAC network.

Með allt á hreinu - singalong!

Bíó Paradís ætlar að bjóða upp á sýningu á MEÐ ALLT Á HREINU endurnýjaða, hljóð -og myndbætta útgáfu með sérstökum fjöldasöngstextum sem birtast í sönglögum myndarinnar. Sing-along sýning í Paradís á þessari ástsælustu kvikmynd Íslandssögunnar sem dró 120.000 manns í bíó á fyrsta sýningarári. Tónlistar- og grínmyndin Með allt á hreinu fjallar um tvær hljómsveitir, Stuðmenn og Gærurnar (réttu nafni Grýlurnar), ástir og afbrýði meðlima þeirra og spaugilegar uppákomur í ferðalagi þeirra um Ísland. Söngtextar birtast með öllum lögum myndarinnar. Ekki missa af sankallaðri söngveislu í Bíó Paradís laugardagskvöldið 24. mars 2018 kl 20:00!

Hí á Húrra

Uppistandið snýr aftur á Húrra! Það verður hí og Það verður ha. Grínararnir munu prófa nýtt efni í bland við gamalt. Ekta kómedí klúbb stemmari eins og í útlöndum! Fram koma: Hugleikur Dagsson Snjólaug Lúðvíksdóttir Andri Ívars Jonathan Duffy Jóhannes Ingi Öll eru þau með fjóra útlimi og meðfylgjandi haus með andliti. KOSTAR EKKERT.

Yuri Landman & Scrubberfox/Hallvarður spila í Mengi

Yuri Landman er hljóðfærasmiður og tónlistarmaður. Hann er staddur hér á landi til að sækja ráðstefnuna NMAC á Íslandi og mun spila tónleika í Mengi. Hann hefur meðal annars smíðað fyrir Lee Ronaldo, Jad Fair og fleiri. Tónlist hans er tilraunakennd og byggir á því að nota umbreytta gítara og enga gítarhljóma. Scrubberfox (Gary Naylor) mun einnig koma fram á tónleikunum, en hann er raftónlistarmaður frá London sem er einnig staddur hérna til að taka þátt í NMAC. Húsið opnar kl. 20:30 - Miðaverð er 2.000 kr. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Gary Naylor og Hallvarður Ásgeirsson ætla að flytja nokkur verk sem þeir hafa unnið saman í vetur fyrir myndina The Moment eftir Richard Ramchurn. Gary Naylor aka. Scrubber Fox byrjaði að tónlistarferilinn 1995 í lúðrasveit og byrjaði að semja sína eigin tónlist á Atari ST árið 1997. Hann er núna margmiðlunarlistamaður sem vinnur með myndband og hljóð, er með vinnustofur fyrir fjölbreyttan hóp þáttakenda, og flytur tónlist fyrir stóra og smáa hópa í Bretlandi. Hann hefur haldið vinnustofur í Helsingor, Danmörku, Edinborgarháskóla, Leigh Turnpike gallery, Urbis, í fangelsum, bókasöfnum jafnframt því að halda fyrirlestra í skólum og háskólum. Síðan 2015 hefur hann búið til hljóð og mynd innsetningar þar sem hann beygir rafrásir í úreltum leikjatölvum og ‘video mapping’, þar sem er búin til þrívíddarmynd í sýndarveruleika. Síðan 2012, hitar hann oft upp fyrir Venetian Snares , og hefur líka hitað upp fyrir 65 days of static. Hann hefur spilað tónleika á Sines and Squares Festival í Manchester og í London á Bangface, Ginglick. Hallvarður Ásgeirsson mun leika með Scrubberfox, en þeir hafa undanfarið unnið saman að tónlist fyrir gagnvirku kvikmyndina The Moment, eftir Richard Ramchurn. ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ Yuri Landman – Solo In 2013 Landman started collecting odd modulation stomp boxes that function as rhythm creators and looping sounds coming from a wide range of electronic sound circuits, motorized instruments, kalimbas, steel on foam, amped soda pop bottles, string instruments, on the spot found objects and his long string instrument. Rythmic bleeps, bloops and other funny sounds. Yuri Landman (1973) is a musician and an inventor of musical instruments. Based on prepared guitar techniques, he built his first instrument in 2001 to solve the inaccuracy of instant preparations. He has build experimental for acts such as Sonic Youth, dEUS, Melt-Banana, Rhys Chatham, Ex-Easter Island Head, Half Japanese, Kaki King. In the past seven years he has given over 100 DIY-instrument building workshops in Europe and the US at music festivals, music academies, art academies, concert venues and art spaces. In 2012 Yuri Landman and Bart Hopkin published Nice Noise, a book about string preparations and extended techniques for guitar. In the same year he started his band Bismuth with Arnold van de Velde followed by an album in 2014 Bismuth. Institutes such as MIM (Phoenix), Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, WORM, Extrapool, Sonoscopia own collections of his instruments. Articles about his work have appeared in Pitchfork, The Guardian, CNN, Libération, El País, Frankfurter Algemeine, and many others. Gary & Hallvarður will perform pieces from the interactive film The Moment which they have been collaborating on recently. Gary Naylor aka Scrubber Fox started performing as a musician in school 1995 in a Brass band and began composing his own music on an Atari ST in 1997. He is now a multi talented AV artist who builds his own circuit audio visual instruments, runs workshops with a diverse range of participants, and performs to large and small audiences across the UK. He has delivered workshops in Helsingor, Denmark, Edinburgh University, Leigh Turnpike gallery, Urbis, prisons, libraries as well as speaking at schools and colleges about his work. Since 2015 he has been creating AV installations using circuit bent vintage games consoles and video mapping. Scrubber Fox is a regularly supports Venetian Snares since 2012 and has also supported 65 days of Static. He has performed at Sines and Squares Festival in Manchester and in London at Bangface, Ginglick. Doors at 20:30 - Tickets 2.000 krónur Hallvarður Ásgeirsson is a composer working with electronic metamorphosis of live instruments. He has also written several pieces for choir, including Niður for the South Icelandic Chamber Choir. He has composed music to dance pieces by Saga Sigurðardóttir entitled Scape of Grace, Predator and Blýkufl. He has written music for the film Hreint Hjarta by Grímur Hákonarson and The Disadvantages of Time Travel by Richard Ramchurn. Hallvarður has an M.Mus degree in composition from Brooklyn College and a BA in composition/new media from the Art Academy of Iceland. Hallvarður is also a performing guitarist which uses interactive sound processing. He has built an instrument, the Vardiphone, in collaboration with Halldór Úlfarsson, which creates sound by inducing feedback in a string instrument in a controlled way.

Birnir & Floni @Stúdentakjallarinn

(English below) Við höldum áfram að fagna hækkandi sól og 50 ára afmæli FS. Stúdentakjallarinn býður á aðra stórtónleika ársins, laugardaginn 24. mars í samstarfi við Tuborg Green. Í þetta sinn koma fram rappara stórstjörnurnar... BIRNIR & FLONI. DJ til lokunnar. Tryllt tilboð á barnum, eins og alltaf. Tuborg Green flæðandi og stuð og stemming. Happy hour frá 16-19. Eldhúið opið til 21:30. - We continue to celebrate the rising sun and FS' 50th birthday. Stúdentakjallarinn invites you to the second huge concert of the year, Saturday March 24th in collaboration with Tuborg Green. Performing this time will be two rapper superstars... BIRNIR & FLONI. DJ until closing. Amazing specials at the bar, like always. Tuborg Green flowing and good vibez only, mate. Happy hour from 4-7pm. Kitchen open until 9:30pm.