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Saga merkra húsa á Álftanesi - söguganga

Saga merkra húsa á Álftanesi Miðvikudaginn 20. september kl. 18:00 verður haldið í sögugöngu um Álftanesið undir leiðsögn Péturs Ármannssonar arkitekts sem segir frá sögu merkra húsa á nesinu. Mæting er við húsið Bjarnastaði sem er staðsett við gatnamót Bakkavegar og Bjarnastaðavarar. Gengið verður stuttan hring um suðurnesið um klukkutíma. Létt og þægileg ganga fyrir alla áhugasama. Gangan eru hluti af verkefni Ferðafélags Íslands um lýðheilsugöngur alla miðvikudaga í september og um leið áframhald sögu- og fræðslugangna sem hafa verið í boði á þessu ári og undanförnu ári í Garðabæ og hafa verið vel sóttar af almenningi. Allir eru velkomnir í göngurnar en tilgangurinn með verkefninu er að hvetja fólk á öllum aldri til útivistar og hreyfingar í góðum félagsskap og efla þar með heilsu sína og lífsgæði. Allar upplýsingar um göngustaði og gönguleiðir annars staðar á landinu má finna á vef verkefnisins

Eusebio Pub Quiz á Húrra

Fótbolti, fótbolti og aftur fótbolti er það eina sem kemst að hjá Eusebio. Það eru slíkar fórnir sem skila árangri. Þannig gætir þú náð árangri, ásamt góðum vinum í góðu glensi á Eusebio-quiz! Allt að 4 þátttakendur mega vera í hverju liði. Í hvaða landi fæddist Miroslav Klose? Hvaða bjór fannst Jan Mølby best að drekka? Í hvaða íþrótt var Olga Færseth auk fótbolta? Í höfuðið á hverjum er nafn Cristiano Ronaldo? Ef þú telur þig hafa slíkar upplýsingar ættir þú að mæta á Eusebio-quiz! Þrjár umferðir af spurningafjöri með einn til nokkra svelljökulhrímaða á kantinum.

Bath in hot river with northern lights

Believe it or not, as the days are getting shorter, the northern lights season is here again. Fjallhalla will be offering trips to Reykjadalur, where we relax in a hot river and hope to make the night even more perfect with some northern lights dancing above us. The display is the magic of mother nature and the most unpredictible thing, especially in Iceland, where the weather changes constantly. Reykjadalur, which means “Smokey valley”, is a spectacular place next to the village of Hveragerdi. It is also considered as a hidden gem of the south because it is less explored, though it is quite easy to locate. Reykjadalur is a part of Hengill geothermal area and it plays one of the most important rule; to provide Reykjavik’s hot water, steam and electricity. In this valley is a hot spring where you can dip in and just enjoy the unspoilt nature landscape right in front of you. Imagine just sitting in a hot spring with some steam coming from all over and when you lean back on the edges you can actually view the magnificent show of Mother nature. So solemn and away from sounds and lights from the busy city. Just pure nature and peacefulness. As you should know Iceland has the best water as it is 100% pure mineral and clean. Reykjadalur’s hotspring makes no exception. The spot where you can bathe in is where the river water of Klambragil valley, this is the boiling hot one, and the water from Olkelduhals, this is the cold one. This is like Mother Nature’s way of preparing your bath. Mixing the two rivers together. ............................................. We park the car and hike for just about one hour to the spot where we undress and put on out swimming equipment. No dressingrooms, just a shelter to hide while you undress and put your clothes back on, so you better remember to bring a towel. Fjallhalla supplies you with headlight and a local beer or soda to enjoy while forgetting all your worries and enjoying the perfect moment. Price with transport included: 14.900 ISK. Payment until our website is up goes to 430414-0970, 0133-26-010010 Email confirmation sent to

Joan Shelley at Mengi

Það er með mikilli ánægju sem við tökum á móti bandaríska söngvaskáldinu og gítarleikaranum Joan Shelley sem heldur tónleika í Mengi ásamt Nathan Salsburg miðvikudagskvöldið 20. september klukkan 21. Miðaverð er 2500 krónur og hægt er panta miða í gegnum eða kaupa við innganginn. Joan Shelley hefur á undanförnum árum vakið mikla eftirtekt fyrir hrífandi lagasmíðar, látlausar og innilegar sem hitta hlustandann beint í hjartastað. Hún hefur sent frá sér fjórar breiðskífur en sú síðasta, Joan Shelley, kom út fyrr á þessu ári og hefur hlotið einróma lof gagnrýnenda miðla á borð við Rolling Stone, NPR, The Independent og Pitchfork. Hún er um þessar mundir á tónleikaferðalagi til að fylgja plötunni eftir og hefur stutta viðkomu á Íslandi. Ekki missa af tónleikum þessarar einstöku hæfileikakonu. JOAN SHELLEY (US) ∞∞∞∞∞∞ We are more than happy to welcome the wonderful Joan Shelley (US) for a concert with Nathan Salsburg at Mengi on Wednesday, September 20th at 9pm. House opens 8:30 pm - tickets 2500 ISK. Order tickets through or pay at the door. Joan Shelley has just released the self-titled follow up to her critically acclaimed 2015 LP Over and Even on 5th May and to celebrate the album's release Joan has just announced a September EU and UK tour. "This her fourth album, is simply magical" - 5/5 The Independent "One of the finest, most concise and eloquent displays of songwriting you'll hear all year." - 9/10 'Album of the Week' Loud & Quiet JOAN SHELLEY (US) Nathan Salsburg is a guitarist, producer, archivist and writer in Louisville, Kentucky. He has released five albums, two solo and three in duet (two with multi-instrumentalist James Elkington and one with singer-songwriter Joan Shelley). NPR Music said of him that he is "likely to become one of those names we all associate with American folk guitar." Since 2000 he has worked for the Alan Lomax Archive, for which he currently serves in the capacity of Curator, compiling and producing album releases of the renowned folklorist's recordings, and managing and editing the Archive's online audio, photo, and video catalogs, including its popular YouTube channel. He has represented the organization at professional conferences, music festivals, cultural centers, theaters, and nightclubs across America and Europe and has facilitated initiatives to digitally disseminate and repatriate Lomax’s recordings to regional repositories in Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, and Mississippi. Salsburg has produced archival releases and written liner notes for the Tompkins Square, Drag City, Mississippi Records, and Dust-to-Digital labels, and he is frequent contributor to the Oxford American magazine. He has been nominated for Grammy awards in the Best Liner Notes and the Best Historical Album categories: the former for the 2013 box-set Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard: Hard Time, Good Time, and End-Time Music, 1923-1936, which he produced, compiled, and annotated; the latter for the compilation Parchman Farm: Photographs and Recordings, 1947-1959, which he co-produced with Dust-to-Digital's Lance Ledbetter. In 2016 he served on the selection committee for the NEA's National Heritage Fellowships. categories