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Poco Apollo - Halldór Eldjárn / MMD 2017 Off Venue


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Poco Apollo: Innsetning eftir Halldór Eldjárn í Mengi. Frá klukkan 14 - 22. Aðgangur ókeypis. Viðburðurinn er hluti af tónlistarhátíðinni Myrkir músíkdagar sem hefst 26. janúar. Poco Apollo, innsetning Halldórs Eldjárn byggir á stórmerkilegu ljósmyndasafni NASA (geimferðarstofnunar Bandaríkjanna) sem nýverið var gefið út og hefur að geyma í kringum 14.000 ljósmyndir sem teknar voru af geimförum Apollo-verkefnisins á árunum 1969 til 1972, ljósmyndir sem hafa að geyma dýrmæt augnablik af landnámi mannsins á tunglinu. Forrit sem Halldór hefur þróað greinir eðlisþætti og andrúmsloft ljósmyndanna og semur tónlist við það í rauntíma. Í Mengi mun tölva leika verkin, meðal annars á sjálfspilandi hljóðfæri, í handahófskenndri röð og hægt verður að virða fyrir sér myndirnar sem skópu hvert lag í leiðinni. Farnar verða örstuttar geimferðir og hægt er að kíkja við hvenær sem er milli klukkan 14 og 22. ................................................. A sound and visual installation by Halldór Eldjárn at Mengi. From 2pm - 10pm. Free entrance. "Poco Apollo is a generative music installation. It builds upon NASA’s newly released library of pictures from the Apollo lunar missions. It feels as if you were on the moon yourself because these images are very raw snapshots, eagerly taken by curious astronauts with very limited time on this terra incognita. But in the chaos, each and one of these 14.000 pictures tells us a small story on it’s own. I wrote a computer program that looks at the image, gathers the data it can from the image to try and understand the mood of the picture and then composes a short music piece to accompany it. The Mengi installation will be a continuous showcase of these short musical pieces." (HE) Halldór Eldjárn is an Icelandic musician and computer scientist. Mainly known for his electro-pop band Sykur, Halldór has been working on solo material and music installations. At Iceland Airwaves 2016 he debuted his solo show, where he combined live performance and his robotic instruments.

Stone Brewing in Iceland

Kex Hostel

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- - - - English Below - - - - Eitt stærsta handverksbrugghús Bandaríkjanna kemur til Íslands í mánuðinum og munu bjórarnir þeirra vera fáanlegir á Íslandi frá og með 26. janúar. Komu Stone Brewing til Ísland verður fagnað með tveimur viðburðum sem engin bjórelskandi manneskja ætti að missa af. Forsvarsfólk á vegum Stone Brewing kynna brugghúsið fyrir gestum og veita leiðsögn í gegnum fimm framúrskarandi bjóra. Gastrópöbb KEX Hostel, Sæmundur í Sparifötunum, mun bjóða uppá bjórvæna rétti. Boðið verður uppá eftirfarandi bjóra: Go To IPA – session IPA Stone IPA Arrogant Bastard Ruination DIPA Russian Imperial Stout Það eru eingöngu fimmtíu miðar í boði. Miðar seldir á Verð 4.900 krónur - - - - English - - - - STONE BERLIN – Official Launch in Iceland. To celebrate the official launch of Stone Berlin in Iceland we will host two events that you are not going to wanna miss! Date: 26th January 2017 Time: 17-19 at Kex Hostel / Gym & Tonic Representatives from Stone Berling will give us presentation of the brewery and guide you though a tasting of five awesome beers. Sæmundur í sparifötunum / Kex Hostel will bring their fantastic beersnaks on the tables to suppliment the beer. This will be the first time ever that Stone Brewing will be availble here in Iceland! Beers to be sampled: Go To IPA – session IPA Stone IPA Arrogant Bastard Ruination DIPA Russian Imperial Stout Only 50 tickets sold. Tickets sold at Price = 4900 kr.

Opinn kynningarfundur vegna Hafnargötu 12

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Eigendur Hafnargötu 12 halda opinn kynningarfund í Bíósal Duus- húsa fimmtudaginn 26. janúar 2017 kl. 17.00. Kynnt verður deiliskipulagsbreyting á lóðinni Hafnargata 12, sem nú er í auglýsingaferli með athugasemdafresti til 2.febrúar n.k. Tillagan er aðgengileg á heimasíðu Reykjanesbæjar, sjá Farið verður myndrænt yfir skipulagið og teikningar af skuggavarpi liggja frammi. Íbúar eru hvattir til að mæta og taka þátt í umræðum.

TEDxReykjavíkSalon: Beyond Food

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UPDATE: WE ARE SOLD OUT! :) See you all at the event! To those of you who didn't manage to get a ticket, we are sorry but as explained we have very limited space as this is a small-scale, intimate event. Please stay tuned for future events :) Food is and has always been deeply related to identity. From how a society's culture is embedded in food traditions and how a religious practice involves dietary rules, to individual choices in the light of the vegan revolution, one thing is sure: food plays a key role in how humans manifest their belief or lack of it in a certain idea. TEDxReykjavik invites you to look at where we stand today both locally and globally as a human society. Join our invitees through a 3 hour journey beyond food: Vigdís Andersen, Sigursteinn Másson and Benjamín Sigurgeirsson. We will address climate change, animal rights, as well as the controversy around veganism in order to better understand what ethical stands might underlie our food related behavior. Take part in an open debate organized as part of the TEDxReykjavikSalon event while enjoying a cozy atmosphere provided by Listastofan. Moreover, you will have the chance to see Halla Gunnarsdóttir's breathtaking work. In her paintings, she raises awareness about climate change by visually challenging the borders between the human and the animal species: We will have surprises to enchant all of your senses! Soup, bread and hummus provided by Vínyl and fresh juices and spirulina energy balls from Yoga food, all included in the ticket price already. After all, what better way to be ethical than by way of food? Here is the schedule: 18:00 - 19:15 - 1st session: 5 min introduction 15 min talk(s) 30 min moderated debate 25 min Q&A from the audience 19:15 - 19:45 - refreshment break 19:45 - 21:00 - 2nd session: 15 min talk(s) 30 min moderated debate 25 min Q&A from the audience 5 min thank you/ closing the event We have a very limited number of tickets for this event, but we are offering you the chance of reserving tickets! To reserve tickets, send us an email at with the subject "TEDxReykjavikSalon" and tell us your full name. You can reserve more than one ticket. Tickets are 1500 ISK and you pay at the door. You can pay cash and we also have a card machine. Note: As TEDxReykjavík always aims to host international and inclusive events, this event will take place in English, so don't worry if you don't speak Icelandic, sign up!

Sinfónían á Myrkum


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Tónleikar Sinfóníunnar á Myrkum músíkdögum eru vettvangur fyrir nýja og spennandi íslenska tónlist í bland við erlend meistaraverk. Hér hljómar nýr víólukonsert eftir Hauk Tómasson, saminn fyrir Þórunni Ósk Marínósdóttur sem er leiðandi víóluleikari SÍ og meðal fremstu tónlistarmanna landsins. Einnig verður frumflutt nýtt hljómsveitarverk eftir Kristínu Þóru Haraldsdóttur en verk hennar, Water's Voice, vakti mikla eftirtekt á Tectonics-tónlistarhátíð SÍ árið 2015. Verk Úlfs Hanssonar var samið fyrir Fílharmóníuhljómsveit Franska útvarpsins í kjölfar þess að hann hlaut fyrstu verðlaun í flokki ungra tónskálda á Tónskáldaþinginu 2013. Doloroso eftir Atla Heimi Sveinsson er kyrrlátur huggunar- og saknaðarsöngur, og er tileinkað minningu Guðrúnar Katrínar Þorbergsdóttur forsetafrúar. Breska tónskáldið Thomas Adès er einn virtasti tónlistarmaður samtímans. Hið glæsilega hljómsveitarverk hans, Polaris, er samið árið 2010. Það ber undirtitilinn „ferðalag fyrir hljómsveit“ og er innblásið af Pólstjörnunni eins og heitið gefur til kynna. Einn gagnrýnandi sagði eftir frumflutninginn að það væri „yfirgengilega fagurt“ og eru það orð að sönnu.

JACK ROCKS á Húrra: Andi, Konsulat og ₩€$€‎₦


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(English below) ████████████████ JACK DANIEL'S kynnir JACK ROCKS á Húrra fimmtudagskvöldið 26. janúar 2017. Fram koma þrjár hljómsveitir sem deila sviði á rafmögnuðum og rokkuðum tónleikum. Þær eru Andi, Konsulat og ₩€$€‎₦. Hús opnar kl. 20 og aðgangur er ókeypis. ████████████████ ░░░░░░░░░Andi░░░░░░░░░ Jafn mikið og fljúgandi furðuhlutur á himni í miðjum stormi vekur undrun þá er tónlist Andra Eyjólfssonar sem nýr og ferskur andblær í heim íslenskrar tónlistar. Fyrsta útgáfa Anda var gefin út á 50 bláum kassettum í fyrra af gröllurunum hjá Lady Boy Records. ░░░░░░░░░Konsulat░░░░░░░░░ Hljómsveitin Konsulat samanstendur af þeim Þórði Grímssyni og Kolbeini Soffíusyni sem áður léku með með hljómsveitinni A & E Sounds auk Arnljóti Sigurðssyni (Arnljótur, Ojba Rasta). Draumkennt gítarglamr Konsulat fær heila og líkama til að hreyfast með hjálp taktfasts hljóðs trommuheila þeirra. ░░░░░░░░░₩€$€‎₦░░░░░░░░░ ₩€$€‎₦ er Reykvísk hljómsveit skipuð af þeim Loga Höskuldssyni (Loji, Sudden Weather Change) og Júlíu Hermannsdóttur (Oyama). Tvíeykið flytur einlægt og tilraunakennt rafpopp. Seint á síðasta ári gaf ₩€$€‎₦ út sína fyrstu breiðskífu, Wall of Pain, í samstarfi við pródúsentinn Árna Rúnar Hlöðversson (FM Belfast, Milkywhale). ████████████████ Sjáumst þar! - ████████████████ JACK DANIEL'S presents JACK ROCKS @ Húrra, Thursday January 26. Three local and lively bands will share a stage on Thursday January 26. They are Andi, Konsulat and ₩€$€‎₦. Doors open at 8 PM and admission is free. ████████████████ ░░░░░░░░░Andi░░░░░░░░░ Andi's presence in the Icelandic music scene is like a breath of fresh air. He catches you by suprise just as the wonderful sight of a U.F.O. would. Andi's, Earth name: Andri Eyjólfsson, debut was released last year by Lady Boy Records as a limited run of blue cassette tapes, 50 to be exact. ░░░░░░░░░Konsulat░░░░░░░░░ Konsulat consists of Þórður Grímsson & Kolbeinn Soffíuson (former members of A & E Sounds) alongside Arnljótur Sigurðsson (Arnljótur, Ojba Rasta). Their effect-driven and dreamy guitar melodies, kept afloat by a steady drum machine sound, will move your mind and limbs. ░░░░░░░░░₩€$€‎₦░░░░░░░░░ ₩€$€‎₦ is a band made up of Loji Höskuldsson (Loji, Sudden Weather Change) and Júlía Hermannsdóttir (Oyama). The duo produces and performs sincere and experimental electropop. Late last year their debut album, Wall of Pain, was relased in collaboration with producer Árni Rúnar Hlöðversson (FM Belfast, Milkywhale). ████████████████ See you there!

Gordi at KEX Hostel

Kex Hostel

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Let us humbly offer a live concert of Sydney's Gordi - 22-year-old Sophie Payten. Her debut Jagjaguwar released EP, Clever Disguise, gets at it both ways - massive and personal music that doesn't concede an inch of artistic vision. Raised in the small, farming community of Canowindra in New South Wales, amongst a minuscule population of 2381, Payten learned to play piano and guitar in her house -- with Billy Joel on near-constant rotation. She left the rural life in her late-teens to pursue a medical education in Sydney. The dichotomy of those environments -- the pastoral and the modern -- is surely a guiding influence in Gordi's music. Clever Disguise was created with producer Ben McCarthy (Megan Washington), with additional production from Alex Somers (Sigur Ros) and Francois Tetaz (Gotye). Gordi is performing at KEX Hostel with RuGl at KEX Hostel on January 26th at 9:00 PM. The young and spectaular RuGl reached the final round of the Icelandic Battle of the Bands (Músíktilraunir) in 2016, where the band received favourable reviews for “importunate compositions” and “strikingly good vocal arrangements.” Their music is indie-inspired, soft and melodic with haunting lyrics. RuGl was founded in early 2016 by two 14-year-old girls who are schoolfriends in the west of Reykjavík. Ragnheiður María Benediktsdóttir was born and raised in Iceland. She sings and plays piano and percussion. Guðlaug Fríða Helgadóttir Folkmann grew up in Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. She sings and plays guitar. They compose their music together and have been raising a stir with their simple and touching songs and arrangements. This is a free show based on first come first serve basis.